The Secret - Book One of the Marcus II Series Page 12
Jaaza continued to hold her for some time not wanting to break the spell. When Steph could finally speak she whispered. “That was fucking fantastic and well worth waiting for.” She turned a little more so she could kiss Jaaza deeply and thoroughly. “I didn’t want this to be a frenzied empty fuck. I wanted to make love to you and with you. I want you to understand the depth of my feelings. I love you with all my heart.” Jaaza confessed again. Still trying to catch her breath Steph looked into Jaaza’s eyes and ran her fingers through her hair. “We’ll have plenty of time to do the hot passionate thing we have the rest of our lives.” Steph promised her.
When Steph seemed able Jaaza helped her up and took her across the Temple to a room kept specifically for her family. They went inside and went over to the bed. “I think we both could use some rest now.” Jaaza said. They climbed into the exceptionally soft overstuffed bed, spooned together and fell asleep.
When they awoke much later they showered, had a snack and returned to their quarters. Steph had the rest of their stay all planned out. She was going to take her time exploring every inch of Jaaza and with any luck vice versa. ~
Chapter Ten
Two days had gone by and the two had spent most of those hours in bed. It was almost time to return to the Real world. They would need to return to Arklow to retrieve their gear and then make the journey back to Cambridge Landing. Jaaza had to break the news of their relationship to her Mother. She wasn’t sure how her mother would take it but she suspected she would be pleased… eventually.
They returned to Arklow just long enough to rest, say their goodbyes to family and friends and collect Jaaza’s horse and Buttercup. Steph told Sara she would need her in Cambridge Landing as soon as possible to do the necessary analysis report, it was the reason she had asked her along on this mission in the first place. There was no one better at taking the mass of numbers and data and making sense of them. Sara was at the top of her field and Steph knew she’d been incredibly lucky to have been able to convince her to join the expedition.
Sara wasn’t pleased, she was having an incredible time “getting to know” Romi. She didn’t want to take any time away from that but she had promised Steph. She would complete her analysis as quickly as she could if only to be able to return to Arklow and the loving arms of her beloved. She promised she would follow them to Cambridge Landing as soon as she could get her things together, which as it turns out left her only a half day behind Steph and Jaaza.
First thing in the morning they made the long journey this time on horseback. The shay was left in Arklow as that was where it belonged. Jaaza was ecstatic. Things had turned out better than she could have dreamed. They took their time, there was no urgency and every moment they spent alone together was savored. Steph rode alongside Jaaza. She was actually looking forward to their return to Cambridge Landing and seeing her team. The part she wasn’t looking forward to was telling them she was staying on Marcus II.
Outside Cambridge Landing Steph and Jaaza stopped to rest their backsides. They sat in the shade of the Canuck Tree, the grass underneath them lush and soft as a carpet. Steph put her arm around Jaaza and pulled her close leaning back against the trunk of the tree. Jaaza snuggled into Steph’s shoulder resting her hand on her thigh. “Are you nervous about telling your mother about us?” Steph asked. “No I think the grapevine has already informed her. Everything will be just fine. She wants me to be happy.” Jaaza reassured her. Steph took hold of Jaaza’s hand and brought it to her lips kissing her knuckles softly. “Do you want me to go with you when you talk to her?” She asked. Jaaza smiled. “No Thank you, I’m a big girl I think I can handle it.” Jaaza giggled. “I want to go with you. I want to ask her permission to stay on Marcus II.” Steph said. Jaaza’s smile went from ear to ear. “Are you sure that’s what you really want?” Jaaza said excitedly. “I’m sure I want to be with you as long as you’ll have me. Is that ok with you?” Steph asked sincerely. Tears welled up in Jaaza’s eyes. She was so choked up she couldn’t speak. Jaaza could only nod her head. “I’d like that.” She finally said. They hugged and kissed, the kiss drawing out longer than either of them expected. “We should go before we end up naked and someone comes by and catches us.” Jaaza smiled. “Ok by the way, where will we live?” Steph inquired. “We can stay at the dorm house temporarily. I’ll talk to Mother about that. I would like to build our own cob house as soon as possible. I have a feeling we’re going to need our privacy.” Jaaza winked.
In town they went straight to see Catherine hand in hand. At the Queen’s house Jaaza knocked on the door before walking in, her mother was just getting up from her seat at the table. She hurried over and hugged Jaaza tightly. As she did so she held her hand out and took Steph’s hand giving it a tight squeeze. “Good you’ve made it home safe and sound.” Catherine looked her up and down to make sure the statement was really true. “I’m fine Mother actually I’m more than fine.” Jaaza said blushing slightly. Catherine held up her hand. “I know I’ve heard.” She didn’t give away how she might be feeling about the news. Jaaza swallowed. She couldn’t believe she was so nervous. She realized that it was very important to her that her mother approved. Catherine looked at her long and hard before speaking. “I know you love her. I could see how upset you were when the two of you had fallen out.” Catherine said matter-of-factly. Turning to Steph she said. “Do you love my daughter?” The Queen looked deliberately into Steph’s eyes. “I do very much and I want to stay on Marcus II.” Steph replied. Catherine looked past her then back to look her in the eyes. “I’m sure I don’t need to tell you how special Jaaza is. I’m sure you’ve figured that out for yourself. All I want is for her to be happy and to have someone in her life who loves her. She deserves to be happy and I don’t mind telling you I was starting to worry about her.” Catherine said only half joking. Jaaza threw her arms around her mother. “Momma I have to run down to Artists row. I’ll see you at dinner.” She kissed her mother’s cheek. “I want to have a talk with the two of you later. Meanwhile I need to discuss a few things with Stephanie. Don’t look at me like that it’s about the research project.” Catherine said to Jaaza. Jaaza kissed Steph on the cheek and promised to meet her at dinner.
“Please Stephanie have a seat.” Queen Catherine said motioning toward the couch. “Can I get you something to drink?” She asked. “No thank you, I’m fine. I would like to clean up at some point but that can wait.” Steph replied. Catherine took a position on a comfortable chair facing her. “Firstly I want to thank you for helping out in Arklow. My niece Romi isn’t just an excellent administrator but is very well loved by her town as well as Jaaza and myself. I understand your assistance was invaluable. Having another Medical doctor on Marcus II has certainly taken the pressure off especially since Julie’s future is still up in the air. We’re not sure at this point if she’ll be able to handle the workload. She’ll oversee the two younger doctors, her own assistant and Viva’s for the time being. The town doctor is a very important position as you can well imagine. As each individual ages their apprentice is able to assume more responsibility and eventually assume full responsibility seamlessly. This injury to Julie could potentially force a younger doctor to take over before they’re completely ready. It can be done and has been done under similar circumstances but it isn’t ideal. Having said that I’m hoping you will agree to pitch in at the clinic in Cambridge Landing when your schedule allows.” Catherine asked. Steph smiled. “I would be happy to help out in any way I can. My primary training is in psychology and psychiatry but for what care is needed at the clinic on a daily basis I’m certain I will be adequate.” Steph said modestly. Catherine frowned. “Let’s not play the false modesty card now Doctor. I know you’re much more than just adequate. I’ve read your bio and I’ve heard from Viva that you have incredible skills. I need you to be completely straight with me, even when you think I won’t like what you have to say. Can I have your word on that?” Catherine said authoritatively. Steph looked sheepish. “Y
ou have my word.”
“Good. The next order of business is about you staying on Marcus II. I have no objection to you staying on principle. An influx of new blood both figuratively and physically could be a great asset here. Fresh ideas will help our community move forward. Especially at a time like this when the colony is trying to deal with this climate change issue. But there are other issues to consider. I need to know that any potential additions to the population will follow the outline of the original planners. The same fundamental ideology is still the foundation of this community. I won’t put the ultimate stability of this planet in jeopardy, not even for my daughter. That includes the Council of Elders making any and all decisions concerning The People and the direction the colony will follow. That responsibility lies squarely on their shoulders without interference. What I’m trying to say in a diplomatic way is that any members of your team who wish to stay must comply with our laws.” Catherine explained. Steph knew when she signed on to this mission that the settlers adhered to the principle that no harm would be done to any animals and The People would not exploit the planets resources in any way, basically to leave as small a footprint on Marcus II as possible. That was the foundation Catherine was referring to. “I understand and agree completely. I will comply fully and will only give my opinions when solicited. The ultimate decisions are yours of course.” Steph said.
Catherine seemed to take her words at face value. “As you know there have also been petitions from your Second in Command, Dr. Sara Keeting as well as one of your other researchers to also be allowed to remain on Marcus II. I need to know that the same understanding and assurance will be given by them as well.” Catherine said. Steph pushed some stray hairs that had slipped out of her ponytail behind her ear. “I can vouch for Sara. She’s my oldest and dearest friend. For the record before you ask, I know she has genuine feelings for Romi and I believe the feelings are very mutual. She only wants to be allowed to live happily here with Romi. None of us have any intention of usurping your authority. She only became my Second at MY request as a personal favor, I trust her intentions implicitly. But if it would help I would be happy to have a word with both of them.” Steph promised. Catherine accepted her assurances. “I’m also wondering if you and your Second’s absence on the return journey will cause hardship for your Team?” Catherine asked. Steph thought about it for a second. “On assignments like this it’s assumed that at least a couple team members will choose to stay and that eventuality is taken into consideration. You’re correct however that having the teams’ number one and two jumping ship so to speak has the potential of leaving the rest of the team high and dry. Having positions unmanned could create significant problems on the long journey back to Terra however I’m confident that my number three has sufficient experience and knowledge to step into those shoes. She has shown her metal during the difficulties in Arklow and easily kept the project on track proving she is a good and competent leader.” Steph explained. Catherine looked relieved. These facts eased her mind considerably and her greatest concern was her daughter and her happiness.
At the research tent Steph went inside to check on the progress of compiling the data they had gathered. It bothered her that she had only just discovered another village. This settlement could add crucial pieces to the puzzle or it could be a dead end. There was no way of knowing at this point. Steph knew the team wouldn’t have time to make the trek to the remote location, gather their specimens and return in time. Their return to Terra was scheduled, that could not be put off. If they missed their opportunity the rest of the research team would be marooned on Marcus II. Steph would have to submit a preliminary report to Catherine with the codicil allowing herself and hopefully Sara to make that journey at their leisure. That would be one advantage to staying on. Sara would be able to analyze that possibly erroneous information at a later date to either confirm their earlier report or expose more questions. Steph wasn’t the best one to do the analysis of the specimens but she was sure that with Sara’s assistance everything would work out fine. That wasn’t how she liked to work but it would have to do.
Sara had returned only an hour before and was hard at work. She wanted to get back to Arklow and Romi, she was on a mission. Both of them being absent for so long she knew it was very possible that things had progressed more slowly than projected. To her relief everything had carried on swimmingly. “Sara what do you have for me?” Steph queried. Sara looked up from her work. “This is just the most preliminary opinion Boss, but I’m not seeing anything here that could have caused the crop failures. I would say that the most likely explanation was the asteroid impact on Marcus I all those years ago caused it to shift on its axis. This could have affected the moons surrounding both planets, thus a chain reaction. Hopefully Marcus II is far enough away from the epicenter that a slight change in the climate is the worst of their problems.” Steph sighed in relief. “The other piece is the genetically engineered crops brought from Terra. They’re beginning to destabilize on a cellular level. I would recommend they stop using them as the problem will undoubtedly get worse. There is one other piece of startling information.” Sara turned to face Steph. “I suspect that someone deliberately sent seed crop on the original mission that was unsuitable. Someone didn’t want this colony to succeed.” Sara confided. Steph took another deep breath and blew it out long and slow. That was going to be a problem. “I hope the colonists have the ability to convert and completely rely on indigenous species. I know they already have had to rely on them but this would mean completely discontinuing the use of Terran crops. What about the seed crops we brought?” Steph asked. At this option Sara looked more animated. “I personally organized the collection and storing of the seeds we brought along with us. They aren’t modified and they definitely haven’t been tampered with. We could give them those and it’s up to them to use or not use.” Sara informed. “Sara what about the other anomalies we’ve noticed? Do we know anything about the colonists’ denser musculature and the occurrences of only one in five children being born male?” Steph inquired. “Nothing that we’ve looked at so far would explain those but we haven’t been specifically looking for that. We can probably attribute the stronger gravity here along with the considerable amount of physical labor on a daily basis for that anomaly. When we get some time we can independently look at their DNA as well as the possible reasons for the 1:5 ratio.” Sara suggested. Steph nodded. “Good idea I’ll look forward to working with you on that.” She said. Sara smiled. “Me too but can we wait a while? I have made other plans for the next little while.” Sara said blushing brightly. ~
“Excuse me Catherine, if I could have a few minutes of your time.” Steph asked politely at Queen Catherine’s office door. “Please come in Stephanie. Do you have the results for me?” Catherine poured some tea as they sat down at the table by the window. This felt so much more personal and friendly than their previous meetings. Steph knew without a doubt she was going to get along here just fine. She started off their conversation with the things Sara and she had discussed including the part about the seed crop. Catherine took it in stride as it was all so long ago. She did know that there had been attempts early on to sabotage the colony so it came as no surprise. They sat sipping their tea a while then Steph brought up another topic. “Catherine, I brought Crio-units with genetic material as per your request. My number one Sara assures me that she took all the samples herself and there is definitely no possibility that they have been tampered with. I only mention that because you might be suspect of anything that comes from Terra and frankly I wouldn’t blame you. The units have quadruple redundancy power cells and they have a projected life span of at least several generations.” Steph explained. Catherine placed her tea cup down. “Very good we need to add new genetic material to our gene pool. It sounds cold but as you know we started with only 200 families. It’s important to add diversity to our base stock.” Catherine stated. “I understand that many of the children born here at least early on were conceived
in the lab. What is the status of that program now if you don’t mind me asking?” Steph inquired. “I don’t mind you asking as you’re about to become one of us soon. From what I have gathered from reading Moira’s notes the one in five ratio was evident early on, even when started in a petri dish, for whatever reason that ratio has never changed. The male fetuses didn’t take root. They eventually concluded that was a natural occurrence here on Marcus II. Conrad Drummond did all kinds of experimentation to boost those numbers but it never amounted to anything.” Catherine said bluntly. She continued. “To ensure that there was no inbreeding meticulous records have been kept. The women who lived in committed relationships with other women were inseminated. These children added many different genetic family lines that didn’t exist here previously. However that material ran out long ago. That’s primarily why I took the opportunity to have you bring more samples. It seemed like it was the perfect opportunity since you were coming here anyway. It only makes sense however if this planet will be able to sustain not only our present population but with any luck an increase in it as well in spite of the crop failures. Do you believe we’ll be able to support ourselves Dr. Diamond?” Catherine searched Stephanie’s face for answers. “I think we’ll have no problem what so ever feeding The People and the children.” Steph smiled. “As for the program… we don’t have one now but we do have geneticists who can get it back up and running in no time. My daughters Jaaza and Viva could do it.” Catherine concluded.
Back at the lab tent Steph and Sara were chatting. “I take it you’re going to live happily ever after now.” Sara asked jokingly. “That’s not funny Sara! You know I haven’t had the best of luck with relationships.” Steph became serious. Sara turned to her. “I know hun, I was teasing you. You have a hot new girlfriend Princess and your face looks like you just sucked a lemon. If I were you I’d turn that frown upside down.” Sara joked. Steph gave a half smile. “I’m really worried Sara, you know I thought I had it all with Monique. She was everything to me. She was hot and smart and we were so in love. We promised to love one another forever, the whole nine yards. Things were going along great. We had a home and built a life together. We even planned to have kids. I thought it was the real thing. I’m taking a huge risk here Sara. I want so much for everything to work out with Jaaza! I want that more than anything.” Sara knew this wasn’t Steph’s usual broodiness. This was a serious meltdown. “I’m sorry. I know you had a really rough time with Monique. I was there remember. I sat up with you all night… night after night. I was so worried about you. It would have killed me if anything had happened to you.” Sara’s eyes welled up but the tears didn’t fall. Steph smiled at that. “I know you’ve been a good friend. I was worried about me too. I was such a basket case and so damned depressed. That’s how I knew you were really and truly my friend. I was a mess and a complete bitch and I tried to push you away and you wouldn’t go.” Steph stood right in front of Sara and cradled her face in her hands. “You were terrific. I don’t know if I ever told you how much that meant to me. You got me through it and I appreciate that.” Steph said. Sara covered Steph’s hands with hers and closed her eyes. She loved Steph like a sister, the sister she never had but always wanted. “Alright this is getting too sappy. We were talking about why you have such a long face.” Sara said. Steph looked at her and sighed. “What if this thing with Jaaza is the same as with Monique? What if I stay here and it doesn’t work out? What if she breaks my heart like M? I don’t ever want to get to that place again. I was so depressed. I don’t know if I could go through that again.” Steph said. Sara had never heard Steph so serious but strangely it made her smile. “You’ve found the real thing, we both have. That thing with M happened so you’d know the difference. You’d know the real thing when you saw it and I think you’ve found that with Jaaza. She didn’t just want to sleep with you, she wants all of you. She took her time to make sure the feelings she was having for you were real. You gave her the time she needed to figure it all out; even if it hurt like hell. Even if she decided you weren’t right for her. That took real courage.” Sara said taking Steph’s hand in hers. “Do you love Jaaza with all your heart?” Sara asked seriously. Steph couldn’t help but smile a big lop sided grin. “Ya I do.” She said. “Then you have to go for it. Try not to taint what you have with Jaaza with that crap that has happened in the past… and if you two give it your best shot and it still doesn’t work out then at least you’re not wondering what might have been. If it doesn’t work out I’ll be there for you every step of the way to hold your hand and take your abuse, whatever you need. Ok?” Sara promised. Steph smiled. “Same goes for you too. I hope it works out for you and Romi too. You deserve the best and I really like her. You two make a cute couple. She’s hot and smart and doesn’t take any shit. I’m sure she’ll keep you in line.” Steph joked. Sara swatted at her. “Piss off!” They both burst out laughing because they finally had a plan for the future. ~