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The Secret - Book One of the Marcus II Series Page 2
The Secret - Book One of the Marcus II Series Read online
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Chapter One
The planet of Marcus II stood far beyond the well-travelled shipping routes, colonized planets and mining communities. It was on the edge of the known galaxy and just getting there was a logistical nightmare. That was why it was chosen by the most brilliant minds Terra had to offer. It was the ideal place to build their utopia. They had chosen a place so out of the way as to make it not worthwhile to anyone wishing to exploit its resources. The planet itself held a virtual cornucopia of exotic plants and animal life. With its temperate climate it was the perfect place to build their settlement.
When the colonists landed on this “diamond in the rough” the leader of the project team became the unofficial leader, Doctor Moira Murray was the one everyone had turned to. Not because she was the smartest but because she had a way with people. She was a natural born leader level headed and fair. People trusted her and they felt safe knowing she was the one in charge.
In the more than 150 years that followed the colony elected several leaders that were adequate but none had the charisma that Moira Murray had however her five times great grand-daughter Dr. Catherine Murray had inherited many of her leadership capabilities and had taken up that particular mantle. In the past decade the colony had begun to experience inexplicable crop failures. The weather had changed from moderate to near tropical. Many of the crops struggled to adapt. Even the animals were not immune, especially the ones brought from Terra. People became more and more concerned they would not be equipped to handle such quick changes in the environment.
The Council of Elders was gathered and after a heated discussion the decision was made. The wheels had been set in motion and there was no turning back. A message was grudgingly sent to the Home World to ask for an environmental survey to be conducted at their earliest convenience along with a humanitarian mission. The colonists knew they needed help and this situation demanded extreme measures. In spite of their reluctance to have outsiders from Terra brought to their little piece of paradise they knew it was their only option. In time the scientific team arrived but all this didn’t happen overnight. It was a monumental undertaking to assemble a team, gather supplies and equipment and make the journey. Seven years after the request was made the team arrived. Many of the settlers didn’t want outsiders on Marcus II. The colony wasn’t just an experiment any longer. It had become their home. They had complete autonomy and they would tolerate no outside interference. They did however know they needed help and knew that this scientific team might be their last best hope for their future. The Elders knew that their predicament was extremely serious. They needed to know if these changes in climate were a part of the planets natural cycle or something else was responsible. The colonists had their own accomplished scientists but they were unable to determine precisely the cause of the crop failures. Something had to be done or their whole future on Marcus II would be in jeopardy.
The leader of the expedition was Dr. Stephanie Diamond. She was familiar with all the data relayed by the colonists but her main focus and expertise was the psychological health of the colonists. She relied on her team to do the research and data analysis. Stephanie was most interested in how these humans managed to cope in such a remote and isolated location. Her first objective would be to make contact with the Leader of the colony and it’s Council of Elders. Her primary goal in this meeting was to establish a working and hopefully friendly rapport with their “Queen” Dr. Catherine Murray.
The team hitched a ride on a mining vessel headed for deep space. Their equipment and supplies were transferred to a small transport vessel which would take them on the last leg of their journey and eventually planet side. They had been given six months to complete their task and return to the rendezvous point for their return journey home. Their landfall was relatively uneventful and they were greeted by representatives of the colony near the main town of Cambridge Landing. They were escorted to a place on the edge of town where they would be able to set up their base camp and assemble their portable laboratories. Dr. Diamond and her Executive Assistant were escorted to meet “The Queen”. ~
“This way please. Dr. Murray will see you now.” Dr. Murray’s Assistant guided the scientists into the center of the large round house. Catherine was seated in a primitive but very comfortable looking chaise. When she saw the new arrivals she stood and greeted them. With a warm smile and friendly demeanor she held out a hand in the customary handshake used on their home world. Such things were seldom used on Marcus II but Catherine thought it would help make the strangers more comfortable. This meeting needed to be the foundation of a long association. It needed to be amicable at the very least. Dr. Diamond took the outstretched hand in hers and found it to be firm and solid. Dr. Murray’s hand was calloused, she was not a figure head Dr. Diamond concluded. Stephanie suspected she rolled up her sleeves and did her share along with the rest of them.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Dr. Diamond. Welcome to Marcus II.” Catherine said. “Thank you so much Dr. Murray. Please call me Stephanie.” Steph said. Catherine smiled warmly. “I’ve arranged for your group to occupy one of our houses until you can establish your own quarters. I’m assuming you brought some of those modular units?” The Queen inquired.
“Yes thank you, that’s very kind of you. The storage units we brought our supplies in serve double duty, when they are emptied of course. From what I’ve seen so far you’ve built a magnificent community here, I’m very impressed. I’m looking forward to getting a more thorough look around the town.” Steph said in a friendly tone. Catherine gestured for Dr. Diamond to sit. “Would you care for some refreshments? We have some lovely biscuits made from indigenous grain and dried fruit, as well as a local variety of herbal tea. Please join me.” Catherine suggested. Not wanting to be rude or do something that might be interpreted as insulting Stephanie accepted a mug of steaming liquid and a scone. Catherine watched as Stephanie examined, sniffed and finally took a nibble of the biscuit. Stephanie’s reaction to the delicious mix of exotic flavors brought a broad smile to Catherine’s face. “Thank you very much Dr. Murray, this is delicious.” Steph was surprised to hear herself say.
Catherine curiously looked over at this woman as she sat back and sized up Stephanie sitting across from her. Catherine estimated that Dr. Stephanie Diamond was in her early to mid-thirties with long brown almost chestnut colored hair. Her eyes were blue with a twinkle of mischief. Catherine suspected Stephanie was very intelligent, she too seemed as if she were sizing up her opponent. “I’ve arranged for a celebration in your honor tonight. After you’ve had the opportunity to look around and speak with your associates we would be honored if you would meet in the center square for a communal meal, with music and dancing.” Catherine informed her. Stephanie opened her mouth to protest. She hated raucous get-togethers and crowds but knew they were a necessary evil. When given the opportunity to escape the claustrophobic atmosphere on Terra to the great outdoors of a sparsely populated planet she jumped at the opportunity. This isolated and very distant community was right up her alley. She much preferred field research to rubbing elbows with double talking diplomats.
Thinking that this sort of thing was to be expected she acquiesced, smiling she graciously accepted. “Thank you again Dr. Murray I’m sure my people would love the opportunity to stretch their legs, mingle with your people and sample your delicious cuisine.” Steph said diplomatically. “Please call me Catherine. We don’t stand on formality here. I’ve arranged to have my youngest daughter at your disposal. She will serve as liaison and provide anything your group may need.” Catherine made an almost imperceptible hand motion to the young woman who had served the tea and had taken a position by the door. She woman slipped through the door and returned shortly with another younger woman. This new woman was tall with very pleasant features and hair the same rich auburn color as Catherines’. “Dr. Diamond… this is my daughter Jaaza.” Catherine introduced her daughter. Jaaza stood with her hands behind her back, her posture impeccable. Stephani
e stood and held out her hand to copy the formal handshake she herself had been greeted with. “Please call me Stephanie or Steph, I’m very pleased to meet you. Your mother tells me you are to be my guide and liaison, I’m sure we will get along famously.” Stephanie said as she smiled warmly. Jaaza inhaled deeply and extended her hand. “The pleasure is mine.” Jaaza said before turning abruptly to her mother and asked when this tour of the village was going to commence as she had other things to attend to. Catherine told her they had a few more details to discuss and she would send for her shortly. Jaaza abruptly exited the way she had come.
Catherine took a deep breath and smiled shyly. “Please accept my apology Dr. Diamond. My daughter is very intelligent, she holds three advanced degrees but when it comes to social interaction she is a bit… what is the word I’m looking for?” Catherine said looking down trying to find the right words for Jaaza’s behavior. “Distracted” Steph offered. “That is very kind of you to say Dr… Stephanie. I’m afraid it’s my fault. I focused the social graces part of my childrens’ education on her older siblings. Jaaza has always had her nose in a book or doing some research or another. I’ve allowed her to focus all her attention there. But I assure you she will surpass your expectations. She’s the best choice to show you around, help with anything you may need and liaise.” Catherine reassured her. Steph smiled and nodded. The conversation then turned to protocol. They discussed what was expected from the landing party and what kind of interaction was allowed. Catherine explained that their arrival was not exactly a much anticipated event. Some in the colony had their doubts whether the arrival of strangers into their community would be a good thing. Jaaza was on the side of the latter and was proceeding very cautiously but Catherine kept that fact to herself.
At the conclusion of their meeting Steph felt optimistic about the way things had gone. Catherine seemed to be honest and forthright. She seemed genuinely interested in finding out what was going on with the climate and willing to consider implementing any suggestions that would help counteract the toll the odd weather changes were having on crops and livestock. The Queen was determined to assess the potential effects that the climate change were having on The People… her people as well as how it was going to affect their entire future on Marcus II. ~
Catherine strode into her daughters lab where Jaaza was hunched over a microscope. “I need a word with you please Jaaza.” Catherine said immediately upon arrival. Jaaza looked up from her work a little surprised. She had been so engrossed in her examination of a type of pollen that had been particularly hard hit by the changes she hadn’t heard her mother approach. “Jaaza I want you to do your very best to help Dr. Diamond complete her research and get her anything she needs, it’s of the highest priority.” Catherine said. “Yes Mother.” Jaaza replied. “Jaaza promise me that you will be on your very best behavior. I know you don’t like them being here and if I could I would have assigned your sister Viva. She is much stronger in diplomacy but she doesn’t have the technical expertise you will bring to this project.” Catherine explained. “Yes Mother I promise.” Jaaza quickly responded. “I’ll help them in any way I can, if only to help them complete their task more quickly and so they can leave.” Jaaza concluded. Catherine looked deeply into her daughters’ eyes but didn’t say anything further. She nodded and then left the lab. Catherine knew Jaaza was probably the smartest person on this entire planet. She also knew her daughter would never do anything to undermine her and would follow her instructions to the letter. That is what she was afraid of. ~
The celebration was quite a success. Food was served and a homemade fermented wine from the fruit of an indigenous tree The People named the Ajja tree accompanied the snacks. Its abundant fruit on its own had a mildly intoxicating effect on human physiology. When it is was fermented and left to age for a few weeks it was positively euphoric. The villagers were polite, curious and for the most part accommodating. The same could be said for the science team, everyone seemed to be on their best behavior. Stephanie used the event to discreetly make mental notes of the physical and mental health of the villagers. There seemed to be an overall heartiness about the entire colony. They seemed better than average on the fitness scale probably due to their daily physical activity and they interacted with each other and the science team easily and seemed well adjusted.
Some displays of music were met with cheers and when a group came out in costume the science team was pleasantly surprised to be entertained with a short comedy skit. The troupe included the newcomers in their good natured joking. One team member was even dragged up onto their make shift stage and to everyone’s delight and applause played along. All in all Steph thought the evening went very well. She had no feelings of anxiety at the rather large gathering and after a cup of Ajja wine found herself smiling, clapping and laughing along with the crowd. ~
Chapter Two
Steph awoke to the strange but not unpleasant sound of birdsong. The air was clean with only the slightest hint of smoke coming from the cooking fire. In the far distance she could hear the village waking up with children talking and laughing. She could hear a dog barking playfully, probably romping with the children. Queen Catherine had been kind enough to provide them with accommodations farthest away from the village center to allow them some privacy.
As she lay there she made mental notes of everything that had transpired since their arrival on Marcus II so far. The planet had lush vegetation and seemed to have the ability to support and sustain not only this population but potentially a much larger one. The society that the original scientists had created seemed to work very well for this small group of colonists but might have difficulty if the population were to have a sharp increase. As she thought she stretched, she knew that she would have to get up sooner rather than later but she was enjoying the comfort and luxury of waking up in her own good time.
A light tap on the front door brought Stephanie from her daydream she was enjoying into the real world. She reluctantly got out of the straw and natural down filled mattress. She padded to the front door to find Jaaza standing with a basket of food for the team and a tray covered with a tea towel she assumed was for her. Steph opened the door to allow Jaaza entrance. Jaaza greeted her with a pleasant smile. “Good morning Dr. Diamond…” remembering she was asked to call Stephanie by her given name she continued. “Steph I owe you an apology, I think I might have given you the wrong impression yesterday. I would like to apologize for my unfriendly attitude. I’m not accustomed to talking to strangers. You and your team are the first new faces anyone has ever seen.” Jaaza said sincerely and a little embarrassed. “My Mother reminded me that just because we haven’t had guests before that is no excuse for being unfriendly. I’d like for us to start again. I’ve brought you all some breakfast but I need to inform you that Cook has invited you and your team to feel free to come down to the cookhouse to share our meals… That is her way of saying that she will not be making a habit of making special meals and trips for your team.” Again Jaaza smiled a little embarrassed which Steph found most appealing.
Steph knew that was Jaaza’s attempt at diplomacy and accepted the food graciously. She cleared a spot on the table that was already cluttered with writing tablets, measuring devices and other assorted equipment. She placed the tray on the table and asked Jaaza to join her. Steph excused herself to a washbasin in the corner of the room and noticed the water was clean and still warm. When had someone come in with fresh water? She hurriedly washed her hands and washed the sleep out of her eyes. She dried her face on a swatch of homespun material similar to cotton. Returning to the table she found Jaaza already seated, two cups of coffee were ready for them and she was arranging what looked like some sort of muffins on a plate.
“What would you like to see first Doctor?” Jaaza asked appearing to be eager to get the teams research underway as soon as possible. “Well I would like to start by seeing the crops and animals that have been hardest hit by the changes.” Steph said around a mouthful o
f muffin. Jaaza explained that the crops that had been brought from Terra were the hardest hit in spite of them being genetically modified specifically to withstand the climate of this new planet. The Terran animals as well seemed especially hard hit with the exception of the Horses, Donkeys, Alpacas and Llamas, all of which were utilitarian and not used for food. The only exception was that the Alpacas’ and Llamas’ luxurious fur coats were harvested for use in all kinds of woven and manufactured materials.
The tour began in the southern most field, one of Steph’s team stayed there to take soil and air samples as well as gathering examples of the failed crop specimens for later microscopic analysis. Another member took similar samples of adjoining fields that were not as affected as well as samples of indigenous crops that seemed less affected. Jaaza and Steph continued the tour alone as the team was left to do their initial examinations and take copious notes as well as taking digital images of specimens.
Once that was done Jaaza guided Steph to all the major attractions of the community. The orchards were relatively untouched by climate change, the barns and pastures where animals were housed and fed were examined. Jaaza explained that the livestock were not used for slaughter on Marcus II. The original planners decided that the animals would not be exploited as they so often were on other worlds. They would be used in a humane way to supply eggs and milk but the wholesale slaughter of them was not an option. Horses were brought from Terra for use in farming and transportation but the colonists were very careful not to overuse them.