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The Secret - Book One of the Marcus II Series Page 9

  They sat for a while eating, Viva laid out a plan for triaging the scene. They just hoped they would get there in time. Steph asked Jaaza. “Are you ok?” “I’m fine! Can we please not do this now?” Jaaza barked. They all stood and gathered their horses before they sped off for Arklow. ~

  Smoke from the village could be seen a few kilometers outside of town. An Arklow villager met them with fresh horses which they quickly mounted and sped off again. Jaaza tried not to think about Steph and her unexpected addition to their rescue mission. She was glad that another Doctor was going to be there to help she had to admit to herself because she would do almost anything for Romi.

  Upon arrival the small group was approached by several Arklow villagers all talking at once. Viva checked on the wounded, there were a total of six. Four had non-life threatening injuries, broken bones, cuts and abrasions. The other two were critically injured. Romi had an abdominal injury with possible internal bleeding. The other was the communities Medical Doctor Julie, her injury was the worst of all, a very serious head injury. Jaaza had known Julie all her life and she considered her a friend. She felt sick to her stomach and she knew it would take a miracle for Julie to make it through this and even if she did she may never be the same. With considerable effort Jaaza forced herself not to vomit and set to work.

  Viva knew that Jaaza shouldn’t be present when she did her examinations of the two most seriously injured people because she was too close to Romi and Julie. Steph understood this as well and told Jaaza to attend to the less seriously injured, treating minor cuts and abrasions. Jaaza started to protest but when Viva gave a stern look and nod she did as she was asked. Viva and Steph would continue with Romi and Julie.

  Viva was extremely glad that in the Medical kit Steph had brought there was an advanced diagnostic device. It would save them precious time. Along with the diagnostic device there was a next generation laser scalpel and dermal regenerator. Also there were ampules of literally hundreds of medications they were sure to need.

  Romi had a ruptured spleen and blunt force trauma to her chest and abdomen. Working together Viva and Steph were able to stop the internal bleeding and administer pain medication. They left Romi in the capable hands of the local nurse and moved on to Julie. She had a fractured skull, bleeding in the skull cavity and swelling that if left untreated would create pressure basically starving Julies’ brain of the precious blood and oxygen it desperately needed. She had been like that for twelve hours already. They just hoped they had made it in time. They administered medication to stop the swelling and the decision was made to give the cocktail of medications time to work, hoping the bleeding would stop on its own. Thankfully the days of opening a persons’ skull to relieve the pressure was long behind them. They would use the state of the art Terran therapy and would just have to hope for the best.

  When Viva and Steph came out of the Clinic they spotted Jaaza propped up against the wall with her head in her hands. She looked exhausted. “How did you make out Jaaza?” Viva queried. “I managed, simple cuts and abrasions, a few stitches and dressings. You’ll need to check on them yourself and maybe administer some type of pain medication for some. I left that for you.” Jaaza said wearily. Viva nodded. “You did wonderful, thank you. Your help was invaluable. It freed us up to take care of the more seriously injured. I want you to get cleaned up, get something to eat and get some rest. You too Steph! I’ll check on your lot and take the first watch over Romi and Julie. This is the most critical time. You can relieve me in three or four hours.” Both Jaaza and Steph wanted to protest but they knew she was right. Jaaza’s Aunt dragged them to the showers and practically force fed them. They were so exhausted they were almost too tired to chew. That done they were tossed into a large overstuffed bed to rest. They were so depleted they fell asleep as soon as their heads hit their pillows. They didn’t even argue when they were both tossed in the same bed. ~

  “Well isn’t this an interesting turn of events.” Steph thought. She awoke to Jaaza’s head on her shoulder, her arms draped across her chest and shoulders. She lay perfectly still enjoying the close contact, she didn’t want her to wake up and pull away from her. She could get used to waking up like this every morning. When she felt Jaaza stir she reluctantly spoke. Jaaza opened her eyes realizing where she was, wrinkled her forehead and rolled over. “Sorry, I don’t even remember falling asleep or how I got draped across you like that.” Jaaza said sleepily. “It’s quite alright, don’t think anything of it.” Steph wanted to say something provocative but she didn’t want to push Jaaza away. This was the first real contact they’d had in almost a month. “Did you find out how all this happened?” Steph asked trying to change the subject and continue their interaction. “A group of villagers were building a shelter of some sort and the load shifted. That’s how the first group was injured. Romi, Julie and some others tried to extricate them and it collapsed more. What a frigging waste. I don’t know what I would do if I lost Romi.” Jaaza confessed. Steph wanted to pull her into her arms and hug the stuffing out of her but she didn’t want to force contact. She reached out and rubbed Jaaza’s back in a circle a few times. “I know hun, I know.” She said softly.

  It was mid-morning so they went to the cookhouse to see if they could scrounge some leftovers. On the way they passed the livery, Steph noticed Buttercup munching on some grass in the shade of a Canuck Tree. She was happy to see she’d made it to Arklow safe and sound because she had promised she would take care of her. The cook was more than happy to prepare some breakfast for the latecomers. The whole village had been in a panic over their beloved Mayor and Doctors horrific injuries. “Welcome Jaaza please have a seat. I’ll bring you and your friend something to eat.” Jaaza didn’t correct Cooks’ assumption that they were friends and Steph liked that a lot.

  Cook returned with a breakfast fit for royalty… eggs, crusty buns, several kinds of fruit and they both dug right in. “Jaaza is there any word on Romi and Julie?” Cook asked hopefully, a concerned look on her face. “We’re headed there next Cook. We’ll find out how they are and you’ll be the first to know. We need to relieve Viva. She’s been manning the Clinic since we got here.” Jaaza explained. Cook nodded and cleared away their dishes. Jaaza and Steph grabbed a couple extra pieces of fruit and hurried to the Clinic.

  Steph and Jaaza arrived at the Clinic fed and well rested expecting to find Viva sleeping in a chair but instead they could hear her talking to someone. When they stepped across the threshold they were both surprised to see Sara sitting in a chair close to Romi’s bedside holding her hand. “Umm Sara what are you doing here?” Steph blurted. It was probably the stupidest question she had ever asked. It was obvious that Steph and Romi were more than just acquaintances. When had this happened? “When I heard Romi was injured I begged Vincent to bring me and he took pity on me.” Sara confessed. When Jaaza finally lifted her jaw off the ground she turned to Viva and asked. “How are our patients?” Jaaza asked. Viva yawned. “Romi here is doing well, no complications as of yet. She has been conscious but she is going to be hurting for some time. She’s still young and strong so she should recover in short order.” Viva explained. “Can’t a body get any rest around here?” Came a voice from the bed, Romi was awake. Sara went to her bending down close and looking into her eyes. “Hi darling, how are you feeling?” Romi took a deep breath and winced. “Terrible but glad to be alive. I heard it was touch and go for a while there.” Romi joked. Sara leaned down and kissed Romi on the lips gently but long and meaningful. Romi did her best to smile. “Any chance I can get a drink of water?” Romi said weakly. Sara immediately got her a glass of spring water. Steph looked over at Jaaza and she had tears in her eyes. Steph put her arm around her shoulder and gave her a quick squeeze. “I’ll be in the hall, Viva can I have a word with you please?” Steph said smiling.

  Jaaza caught up with Steph and Viva outside Julie’s room. “How’s she doing?” Jaaza asked. Viva turned to her and said. “She still hasn’t regained conscious
ness. The swelling seems to have gone down and we’ve administered some more medication, we just have to wait and see. We’re cautiously optimistic at this point.” Steph added. “I have seen signs she might be waking up, those meds have been very successful on Terra and are used routinely.” Steph told the two. Steph and Jaaza looked at each other and then down at the ground. Steph took Viva’s arm and walked her down the hall. “Now Doctor you need to follow your own advice, clean up, eat and get some rest. Jaaza and I can handle things here for a while. No arguments now shoo.” Steph ordered. Viva smiled crookedly. “Thanks I think I’ll do just that.” Viva said. Jaaza’s Aunt was there waiting outside the clinic taking Viva’s arm and guiding her down the street. She would probably administer the same treatment they received the previous night. “Oh Auntie, could you please stop by and tell Cook Romi will be ok after she has time to heal.” Jaaza called after them. Auntie answered with a wave over her shoulder as they walked away. Viva tried to turn around and say something but Auntie dragged her along. “Don’t worry Viv. Romi and Julie are in good hands with Steph.” Jaaza shouted. “Do you really mean that?” Steph said as she came up alongside Jaaza. Jaaza looked at her out of the corner of her eye. “Yes I guess I do. You’ve been brilliant, thank you. I owe you.” Jaaza admitted. Steph smiled and went to Julie’s bedside.

  When the shift was complete Viva returned refreshed. Jaaza and Steph walked together to Auntie’s house. It was well past dark. Many of the villagers were either asleep or on their way to bed. Sara was on the porch rocking and dozing. “I’ll be sleeping in the kids’ room tonight, Sara can share the room we had last night with you.” Jaaza said. Steph nodded a little disappointed. Jaaza leaned close and kissed Steph on the cheek. “Thanks again for your help. Good night, you too Sara, see you both in the morning.” Jaaza said. Sara stretched. “Well at least you two are communicating again.” Sara commented. “Ya ya things are looking up. Let’s talk about you shall we. When the hell did you and Romi get together and why didn’t you tell me? I mean obviously it was when we were here taking samples. I had no clue, how could I miss something like that?” Steph said a little embarrassed. “It wasn’t a secret. I guess you were just too focused on your Princess to notice me and Romi.” Sara teased. Steph frowned. “Ok I’ll let that one slide. Do you love her? What does this mean? Do you want to stay here with her?” Steph blurt out. Sara held up her hand. “Slow down! I’ll answer all your questions. I do love her, more than I’ve ever loved anyone in my whole life. I would love to stay here with her if she’ll have me.” She took a deep breath and continued. “I haven’t even discussed this with her yet so I would appreciate it if you kept this under your hat for the time being. I need to speak with her and then maybe I’ll need to speak with my Boss.” Sara said jokingly. “I am your Boss you fiddlehead. You have never surprised me more than you did today. I was almost speechless.” Steph said sharply. That made Sara burst out in a full laugh. “Speechless huh, now that is something. I didn’t think that was even possible.” Sara teased. Steph became quiet for some time. “I envy you. I wish Jaaza felt that way about me.” She said looking off into the night. ~

  The next week went relatively smoothly. Jaaza and Steph took the day shift while Viva took the night. The other collapse victims came in to get dressings changed, splinted limbs examined and rewrapped. More antibiotics were ordered, painkillers refused, after a week patients were encouraged to tough it out. Steph and Jaaza spent plenty of time together but their interactions were still on the impersonal side. Tomorrow Viva was to return to Cambridge Landing, her regular patients would need to see her. Steph promised she would stay on temporarily in Arklow while Julie was out of commission. Romi was being released today and Sara was staying on to make sure she continued to relax and recuperate. Julie had regained consciousness, although it was still uncertain if a full recovery could be expected. Time would tell if she would be able to return to work at her old career.

  Steph was on her way to her shift at the Clinic when she ran into Sara going to escort Romi home. “Hey Sara have you spoken to Romi yet?” Steph asked in a quiet voice. “Yes, she wants me to stay and see how we get along.” Sara smiled broadly. “What about the research project, will you still be able to do the analysis from here?” Steph asked. Sara smiled and stopped to face Steph and look into her eyes. “Have you talked to Jaaza about whatever it is you did?” Sara changed the subject. Steph frowned. “Who said I did something? Did she say that?” Steph said frowning. Sara rolled her eyes and sighed then she said in a gentle voice. “Please Steph talk to her, tell her how you feel, we can both stay. I would miss you so much… you’re like a sister to me.” Sara confided. Steph looked away. “I can’t! I don’t even know where to start.” Steph said looking defeated. “Damn it Steph no wonder Jaaza is pissed off at you. You’re the most exasperating person I’ve ever met.” Sara said and stomped off to the clinic. ~

  Sara helped Romi cross the compound then she planned on sitting her down on the couch and waiting on her hand and foot. “Is there anything I can get you Romi?” She asked as she helped lower her onto the sofa. Romi was still very sore from deep tissue damage that would take some time to heal. Sara retrieved a pillow from the bedroom and a small blanket to make Romi more comfortable. “Steph said she wants you to lie down, not too much walking around and no lifting…” Sara said fussing. Romi patted her hand. “I know Sara I was there remember. All I’ve been able to do for the last week is lay down.” Romi said impatiently. Sara looked at her and said in a low voice. “The sooner you get back to normal the sooner I can show you how much I missed you. I want to get to know everything about you. I want to explore every inch of you.” She was interrupted by a knock on the door and before she had a chance to answer it Jaaza strode into the living room. “Oh hi Sara, I was hoping to talk to Romi for a few minutes.” Jaaza said without preamble. Sara stood up straightening her blouse. “I’ll go to the cookhouse and get us a snack. Do you have any requests?” Sara asked on her way out the door, Romi shook her head. “Don’t tire her out Jaaza, Doctors orders.” Sara warned. Jaaza knelt down beside Romi. “How are you doing sweetie? I’m so glad to see you home.” Jaaza gave her favorite cousin a gentle hug. “What is it Jaaza you’ll have to get to the point quickly I’m still pretty weak. I might pass out any second.” Romi warned. “I’m thinking of returning to Cambridge Landing tomorrow unless you need me here to help with the clinic or with your administrative duties.” Jaaza explained. Romi was leaning back with her eyes closed. “I could use your help here for a short time if you don’t mind.” Romi said with her eyes still closed. “Oh ok, is there anything I can do for you now?” Jaaza inquired. “Will you follow my instructions to the letter even if you don’t agree with me?” Romi asked. “I promise I’ll do anything you need, all you have to do is ask.” Jaaza promised. Romi opened one eye to study Jaaza. She sighed and took a deep painful breath. “Firstly I need you to take care of my administrative duties while I recuperate and secondly Jaaza there is something you can do for me on a personal level. There is a good friend of mine that is being a muffinhead. She has someone who really cares about her and she’s throwing it all away. Like this person isn’t worthy of her. She’s making a foolish mistake.” Romi held up one finger to silence any premature response. “I want you to tell this person to talk to her friend and make her listen to her.” Romi ordered. Jaaza sat up straighter. “You’re NOT funny Romi.” Jaaza said a little angry. “You promised you would do whatever I say no matter what.” Romi responded sternly. “You don’t understand Romi it isn’t that easy.” Jaaza tried to explain. Romi grabbed her hand tightly. “Yes it is!” Romi said. Sara walked in with her arms loaded with snack foods, or what passed for snack food on this planet. “I better go, you need your rest.” Jaaza stood and headed toward the door. “Please Jaaza talk to Steph, she loves you. She wants you to ask her to stay.” Romi pleaded. Sara nodded. “She’s right Jaaza. She wants to be part of your life. She wants to stay and all you have to do is ask her
.” ~

  Chapter Eight

  Viva had returned to Cambridge Landing to tend to her patients. She recruited her best young Doctor to relocate to Arklow temporarily. Julie was making nothing short of a miraculous recovery, her mental capacity seemed completely intact. She would however have to learn to live with physical disabilities and mobility issues.

  Steph was putting the finishing touches on decorating the Clinic. Today was the first day back for Julie and her new assistant. It was also Steph’s last day. She had worked hard and was more than happy to return the reins to their rightful owner. There was a small celebration planned in the center square for Julie and a thank you for Steph. She had stepped in and taken care of the community putting her own responsibilities in the capable hands of her number three. She was gratified to know she had assembled a first rate team and when challenged they rose easily to the occasion.

  In the front of the building Steph could hear a series of welcome back greetings and excited voices. Julie entered the office area with a smile on her face and Steph felt very gratified. When time allowed she took the opportunity to slip out and leave Julie and her well-wishers to it. She felt relieved and a little deflated, she hadn’t done all this just to help these people who were in need she had done it for Jaaza as well. Although their friendship had been restored they still hadn’t spoken about what had happened between them. She was resigned to going back to the project at Cambridge Landing. As much as she didn’t want to leave her friend on Marcus II she couldn’t think of any excuse to stay.