The Secret - Book One of the Marcus II Series Read online

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  Romi was healing quickly thanks to the single minded devotion of Sara. Sara wouldn’t allow Romi to do anything except the prescribed rehab and it was wonderfully sweet how devoted she had been to Romi. Romi was almost ready to return to her regular activities. Jaaza worked tirelessly and was handing leadership back to her in better shape than she had found it. Romi was pleasantly surprised at some of the minor changes Jaaza had made that allowed everything to run more smoothly and planned to implement them permanently. In spite of her protests to the contrary Romi knew Jazza would make an excellent administrator. ~

  The celebration was starting shortly so Sara headed into the bedroom to dress. Romi stopped in the doorway leaning against the doorframe to admire her new lover. The new cohabitation arrangements were working out swimmingly, both knew this was how it was meant to be. The disaster had been horrific but it had brought them together and that was all they needed to know. “If you’re going to be running around half naked we are never going to get to this celebration.” Romi said taking Sara into her arms and kissed her hungrily. “Have you worked out the details with Steph about staying on here?” She inquired. Sara buried her face in Romi’s shoulder inhaling deeply the scent of Littlewood soap and her own unique scent. “I’ll have to spend a little bit of time finishing what I started. Apparently I’m the best at analyzing all the research we’ve collected. Besides I’m curious myself what we can do to help get this colony back on an even keel.” Sara said a little distracted. Romi licked her lips. “What do you think about arriving at the celebration fashionably late?” She inquired hopefully. Sara reluctantly pried herself from Romi’s embrace. They would have many opportunities to get to know every single detail of each other. Romi was disappointed that she and Sara would be separated while the analysis was being conducted but she admired her partners’ devotion to completing the project. That had been the reason after all for bringing the team to Marcus II in the first place. “Get dressed before I change my mind.” Romi said pretending to be hurt. ~

  Jaaza sat on Romi’s porch watching the preparations for the evenings’ festivities. She sat back in her lounge chair sipping herbal tea. Jaaza’s nieces and nephew along with the other children of Arklow were skittering back and forth in their excitement trying to take it all in. Jaaza smiled remembering how excited she and her cousins had become at just such times. Romi and Sara strode out onto the porch, Jaaza whistled. “You two look fantastic.” She said. Looking appreciatively at Sara she turned to Romi. “It’s a good thing you’ve already snatched this one up or I might make a play for her myself.” Jaaza teased. Sara blushed and Romi giggled. “Speaking of that Jaaza have you seen Steph?” Sara asked. Jaaza shook her head. Sara kissed Romi on the cheek and promised to catch up with her shortly. Romi headed into the gathering crowd, waving as she went.

  Sara found Steph at Auntie’s house where she’d been staying, standing in front of the closet wondering what to wear. She had “purchased” several outfits for work but none seemed right for the occasion. “I know you’re not trying to decide which frock you’re going to wear to this soiree, you’re stalling. Now get your butt out there and greet your adoring fans.” Sara said mock seriously. Steph turned to her. “I’m not really looking forward to this. You know how much I hate crowds.” Steph confided. Sara went over and placed her hands on Steph’s shoulders looking her in the face. “You’ll go and you’ll at least try to have a good time.” Sara ordered. Steph smiled. “Ok I’ll go for your sake but not for mine.” Steph took Sara’s elbow. “Come have a drink with me. I need some Dutch courage.” Steph said. Sara and Steph sat at Auntie’s table with a bottle of Ajja wine. From their vantage point they could easily see the opening ceremonies. “We better go Steph. I promised Romi I would get you there on time so she could thank you publicly.” Sara said. Steph stood up. “I’m telling you right now I’m not getting up on stage for a speech.” She said pushing her chair under the table. Sara smiled. “Don’t worry. I told Romi that, she just wants to point you out. You can stand there and wave, now can we please go?”

  When they arrived at the square proper Romi had already started her speech, welcoming Julie back and introducing her new assistant. Some of the announcements were made and at the very end Romi thanked Jaaza, Viva and Steph, followed by cheers and clapping. The crowd started to disperse and mingle, several villagers stopped to shake Steph’s hand thanking her and wishing her well. A few even leaned close and gave her a peck on the cheek. One villager even went so far as to kiss her full on the lips and squeeze her tush, much to Steph’s surprise and embarrassment.

  Jaaza observed this from across the square, she couldn’t help herself. She was still acutely aware of Steph’s presence and she was always on her radar. Jaaza watched Sara escort Steph around the square chatting with small groups of smiling people. Refreshments were handed out and the music started. When Jaaza saw the tush squeezer, a middle aged woman she knew as Mabel making a bee line for Steph when Sara was otherwise occupied she leapt into action. Jaaza zig-zagged through the crowd expertly avoiding bumping into people. Realizing she wouldn’t make it to Steph in time she detoured toward Mabel. Mabel was on a mission, like a hawk diving at her prey at break neck speed and nothing was going to stop her. Jaaza however was not someone to be trifled with. Grabbing some drinks off a nearby tray she crashed headlong into Mabel knocking her to the ground spilling Ajja wine all over her. Her timing had been perfect, everyone turned to see what the commotion was. Jaaza made her apologies trying to blot the wine from Mabel’s outfit but actually making things worse. Mabel for her part was livid, she pushed Jaaza’s hands away and stomped off toward her house. Jaaza tried to look apologetic but her smile gave it away. Steph had turned at the sound of Mabel shrieking and saw Jaaza in the center of the commotion. Jaaza knew she had been caught, suddenly Romi took her arm and ushered her out of earshot of the villagers. “What the hell are you playing at?” She scolded. Jaaza looked embarrassed but she knew her cousin would forgive her… eventually. The music played on and before she had the chance to explain to Romi she spotted Mabel coming out of her front door. “I’ll explain everything later I promise.” She said. Romi had opened her mouth to say something but closed it without saying a word. Jaaza was already on the move again.

  Jaaza quickly moved to make it to Steph in plenty of time to reach her before Mabel ascended on her again. She took a few seconds to straighten her outfit. Reaching out she tapped Steph on the shoulder. “May I have this dance?” Jaaza asked. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Mabel approaching. Before Steph could reply she grabbed her hand and guided her onto the dance area. People were dancing a local favorite, not too close but cozy. “I have a feeling I should be thanking you, your little friend seems to have her heart set on molesting me.” Steph said watching Mabel approaching. Jaaza chuckled, she could see Mabel scowling at her. “I hope you don’t mind. I know her and she doesn’t take no for an answer. You looked a little uncomfortable with her hug earlier.” Jaaza offered. Steph blushed. “No I don’t mind at all. If you must know she scares me a little.” Steph confessed. Jaaza smiled. “So what are your plans Dr. Diamond?” Jaaza asked. “Dr. Diamond? I thought we were past that or maybe you’d like to start over.” Steph said hopefully. Jaaza looked at her sheepishly. “I’ve enjoyed working alongside you and getting to know you these past few months.” Jaaza explained. Steph wasn’t going to let her get off easily. “That sounds a little formal. Are you speaking professionally or personally?” Steph asked. “Sorry I didn’t mean it to be Steph. On a professional level it was a chance of a lifetime. We’ve been isolated here for a long time and it’s been an education and a pleasure. Don’t get me wrong I’m not complaining. I wouldn’t change anything about living here.” Jaaza said smiling. Steph pushed a strand of Jaaza’s hair behind her ear. “And what about personally?” Steph said looking into her eyes. Jaaza took her time… she struggled with what to say and how to say it. “I think things could have gone better. I feel like we started in the
middle of something instead of the beginning. I wish things had been different.” Jaaza tried to explain. Steph smiled broadly. “Does that mean you would have openly accepted an invitation from me for a date?” Steph asked hopefully. Jaaza shook her head.

  Steph was instantly deflated, this conversation was not going as she would have liked. They danced in silence a moment longer but their conversation was at a road block. Steph suddenly felt embarrassed and tried to think of a way to extricate herself from this uncomfortable situation. “I should go, I need to pack. I’m leaving to go back to Cambridge Landing in the morning.” She let go of Jaaza’s hand and stepped back. She wanted to get away as fast as her feet would take her. She could kick herself for allowing herself to be rejected again. She fought back tears, this was becoming a nightmare. She rushed off. Romi stepped up beside Jaaza. “Go after her damnit.” Romi said in her most authoritative tone. “Wait Steph, let me explain.” Jaaza said leaping into action. Jaaza caught up with her in front of Aunties’ front porch. She took Steph by the shoulders so hard she was sure she would leave fingerprints. She knew it was a bit rough but she didn’t want her to get away before she had a chance to explain. “I didn’t say No as in I wouldn’t accept a date invitation. I meant… you frighten me. I want a long term relationship. I want a future with someone.” Jaaza bit her lip and took a deep breath to steady her voice. “I can’t leave Marcus II Steph. I don’t want to leave my family. They need me and I need them.” Jaaza explained. Steph swallowed hard. She wasn’t sure what Jaaza was saying. “I’d like to start over if you don’t mind. Would you like to spend the day with me tomorrow? Maybe postpone your return to Cambridge Landing.” Jaaza said smiling at her. Steph was starting to think she could see a sliver of light peek through the darkness that had been surrounding her heart for the past couple months. “I think I would like that very much.” Steph confessed.

  Jaaza took her hand weaving her fingers with Stephs’. “Come back to the party. I want to show my family you’ve forgiven me. You have forgiven me haven’t you?” Jaaza said hopefully. Steph nodded. “I shouldn’t, but I have. You took me on quite a ride.” Steph confessed. “Can I tell them you’re my girlfriend?” Jaaza asked. Steph put the tip of her finger to her own lips and looked skyward. She held that position for longer than necessary as if thinking very hard about her answer. When Jaaza couldn’t stand the torture any longer and was about to protest Steph answered. “I suppose.”

  They returned to the celebration with smiles and nods from the townsfolk, all except Mabel who stomped off. Jaaza’s family members each came over to exchange hugs and kisses and pats on the back. It appeared Steph was being well accepted, at least from this branch of the family. Romi was so happy she had a smile from ear to ear. Steph thought Romi was going to pee her pants she was so excited. Sara gave Steph a warm hug. “Thank goodness you two finally came to your senses. I would have never heard the end of it from Romi if you hadn’t kissed and made up.” Sara said.

  Jaaza tugged Steph out onto the dance floor again. Romi had the musicians play something slow. Jaaza pulled Steph into a close embrace swaying to the music. She wasn’t a particularly good dancer but it felt very good to finally hold Steph in her arms. Jaaza started to believe that things might really work out. She was determined to make it work, she wanted their relationship to have a strong foundation… Jaaza wanted it to last.

  The rest of the evening went wonderfully. Jaaza and Steph held hands, talked, danced, chatted with friends and looked lovingly into each others’ eyes. When the night wound down and many of the villagers had already left the musicians quit for the evening. Jaaza walked Steph to Auntie’s house. “Do you mind if we take things slow, I don’t just want to jump into bed with you? I want it to mean something, do you mind?” Jaaza whispered. “I understand. I’ve waited this long, I can wait a little longer. This night has been terrific. I’ve enjoyed being with you so very much. It’s like a dream come true.” Steph confessed. Jaaza leaned in and kissed Steph. She intended it to be just a peck but before she knew it her body had other plans. She took Steph’s face between her hands kissing her slowly at first then deeper until her heart was pounding and she was out of breath. “Are you sure you want to wait?” Steph said hopefully, only half joking when they finally came up for air. Jaaza smiled and nodded. “I’ll pick you up first thing in the morning. We’ll have breakfast together and go from there.” Jaaza promised. “What exactly are we doing tomorrow?” Steph prodded. “You’ll see. I promise you’ll love it. Tell me you don’t think I’m old fashioned for wanting to wait. I don’t want to screw things up, not now that it’s starting to look like things might just work out.” Jaaza looked at Steph pleadingly. Steph smiled and ran her fingers across Jaaza’s lips. “Any way you want it is fine with me. I can hardly wait until tomorrow.” Steph reassured her. Another long deep kiss and she had to pry herself away. Steph called out to her as she walked away. “Jaaza, I’m not just interested in a roll in the barn.” Steph shouted. Jaaza laughed and waved. “Good night, sweet dreams.” She said blowing her a kiss before dashing off.

  Jaaza practically skipped back to Romi’s house feeling as light as air. She took the steps on the porch two at a time. It was very late so she tried to be quiet. Romi was coming out of her room to use the facilities when she saw Jaaza. “What are you doing here, did something happen?” She asked concerned. “No no everything was perfect. We’re spending the day together tomorrow. Don’t worry so much dear cousin, everything is just perfect.” She went over to Romi and kissed her on the forehead. “See you in the morning.” With that she retired to her bedroom. Sleep didn’t come easily, too many images of Steph dancing in her head. ~

  Sara and Romi went out onto the porch to sip Ajja wine and enjoy the night air. Sara had been mulling over the story Kaley had told. She’d found it very entertaining like the rest. The fact that it had involved a topic she was interested in like the Pendek made it even better. She knew there were details in that story that had been distorted by time and the telling. Kaley obviously liked to frighten the teens so she exaggerated some things. But in the end there must also have been some truth. Sara really wanted to know what else there was to know. She wanted to find out scientifically once and for all if there was anything shady going on with the genetic makeup of the Pendek, the Kubu and The People.

  She could take some swabs of the people that would prove if the human DNA had been altered. She wondered if Catherine would give permission. She also suspected that some of the people she had asked including Kaley knew much more than they were willing to talk about. What secret could possibly be big enough that it would keep people silent? Even if there had been some shady business going on, it wouldn’t reflect badly on anyone. Conrad has been gone over a hundred and fifty years. What harm could it do now to know what he had been up to? She didn’t know if it was the drink or just her curiosity that finally got the better of her but she was going to find out more. “Romi why is it that every time I try to find out more about the Pendek people clam up?” Sara asked. Romi looked over at her and smiled. “What’s brought this on? Is it that stupid story Kaley told you?” Romi asked. Sara scowled. “Well no and yes. Some things are just not adding up for me and when that happens I instinctively want to dig deeper. The scientist in me, the analyst in me looks at what is being said and something just isn’t adding up.” She said. “Sara we have very little entertainment here. What we do have comes from the imagination of people. I bet you could come up with some stories that would mesmerize people around a camp fire.” Romi suggested. Sara sighed. “There’s more to it than that, I know it. Steph and I are going to stay here and become residents. When will people trust us enough to let us in on your secrets?” Sara said. This time Romi smiled. “Honey you already know most of my secrets.” She winked. “Very funny I’m not talking about those kinds of secrets. And don’t think I haven’t noticed you trying to distract me with sex talk. You’re still trying to avoid my questions. It’s starting to make me wonder if
we really have a future if you can’t be honest with me.” Sara said with a sigh. Romi pulled Sara over and hugged her fiercely. She took Sara’s hand and held it over her heart. “I happen to think we are terrific together. I think we have many many days and nights to find out about each other. I have nothing to hide. I promise you I will tell you anything you want to know. But you’ll have to ask me specific questions.” Romi leaned in to Sara and kissed her gently on the lips before continuing. “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll answer a question for every piece of your clothing I get to remove.” Romi grinned devilishly. “That’s not exactly what I had in mind and besides I’m not wearing that many clothes.” Sara said sounding annoyed.

  Romi took Sara’s hand and led her down the hall and into the bedroom. Romi had two children she had conceived through artificial insemination. Since she preferred women and a suitable doner was found. Meticulous records were kept to prevent over use of genetic lines. It had been necessary for the continuation of the colony. Romi had wanted children and had given birth to two girls. Moira Murray had had six children so the Murray line was well represented. There were more Murrays on Marcus II than any other family group. Romi had cousins almost everywhere on the planet.

  The best part of bringing Sara and the scientific team to Marcus II was the fact that they brought a lot of genetic material. Egg, sperm and fertilized embryo were brought from anonymous sources and abandoned at fertility clinics. Sara had been in charge of researching the family histories and collection of material. The storage units she brought had at least a twenty five year life span. People would be able to submit requests for some of that material. Romi suspected there would be a population explosion in the next couple of decades. It would be a good thing, there had been less children born because of the concern of crossing genetic lines that were too close. To add to that for some inexplicable reason only one in five children born on Marcus II was male. The influx of donated material would mean that all the people who wanted children could have them.