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The Secret - Book One of the Marcus II Series Page 11
The Secret - Book One of the Marcus II Series Read online
Page 11
Romi’s children were sound asleep in their beds as Marcus II was the biggest playground ever. Children went to school in the morning and in the afternoon if they were old enough they helped out some of the older adults otherwise they were running and playing sports and made up games. It made for some very exhausted children by the end of the day. With all that fresh air and exercise one couldn’t find a more perfect place to raise children.
Romi guided Sara past the children’s bedrooms into their room and closed the door. “Ok so let’s start. I want to show you I have no problem answering your questions.” She said with a sly smile on her face. She started to unbutton Sara’s blouse. “I suggest you hurry because at some point I may become unable to form words.” She couldn’t help but giggle. She had been trying to keep a stern face but that wasn’t working any longer. Sara loved Romi and wanted to make love with her whenever the opportunity presented itself. “Ok, was Conrad altering DNA by swapping fragments from Pendek, Kubu and humans?” Sara asked. Her blouse was pushed down her arms slowly. Romi took a long breath. “I have no evidence of that but my personal opinion is that he did. I think that because I overheard Aunt Kitty speaking about it when I was a small child.” She started to lift Sara’s sleeveless tank top up over her head while her heart raced. “Why are people so reluctant to talk about Conrad and the Pendek?” Sara asked. Romi wet her lips with her tongue, not taking her eyes off Sara’s newly exposed breasts. “I can’t explain why each individual is reluctant to talk but I suspect that the original scientists are thought of with a certain amount of reverence. If it weren’t for them none of us would be here. Like I said there are a lot of Murrays and Drummonds on Marcus II and there is a certain amount of family pride even after all these years. No one wants to admit their family members might have been monsters. We’re still a colony of scientists for the most part. Most people would rather avoid the questions and they become annoyed with people who ask too many questions, especially ones that might bring their families into disrepute. Again this is just my opinion.” Romi confided.
Sara allowed Romi to hold her breasts now satisfied with Romi’s candor. Romi smiled broadly and made a sound like purring. She was growing tired of the questions but she had promised. “You better hurry Sara, I’m starting to go out of my mind I want you so much.” Romi said hoarsely. Sara was having trouble concentrating too but she was very determined to get some answers. “Can I do some tests on your DNA and see if there are any anomalies?” Sara asked. “Fine yes anything you want.” Romi grabbed at Sara’s shorts and hastily pushed them down. She started kissing Sara hungrily, holding and caressing her, barely able to contain herself. Sara had one last piece of clothing remaining and Romi couldn’t wait to remove it. If this dragged out much longer she was going to shred it with her teeth. “Hurry!” Romi said. “Ok the rest of the questions can wait, I can’t think clearly. You owe me one more question. I don’t want you to spontaneously combust.” Sara acquiesced. Romi stopped and looked into her eyes with so much love and passion in her eyes Sara’s heart swelled and she could hardly breathe. “I love you so much Romi.” Sara said. “I love you too. And you can have as many more questions as you like… tomorrow.” Romi said. Sara looked at her. “Are you sure you’re up to this?” She said worried about Romi’s barely healed injuries. Romi just pulled her down onto the bed. She was more than up to it. ~
Chapter Nine
The sun was shining brightly overhead when Steph awoke. It was going to be another beautiful day and not just because she was going to spend it with Jaaza. She threw her legs over the side of the bed and stretched rubbing sleep out of her eyes. She felt completely rested and she’d slept well in spite of having erotic thoughts of Jaaza. She had replayed their first encounter several times. It had been the first time she’d been able to do that without feeling sad, depressed or hopeless. Today she felt happy for the first time in a very long time. She got up and went to the window to see the birds chirping in the hedgerow.
Marcus II was so much like home but so alien at the same time. The two moons were probably the most noticeable difference. The plant life was definitely similar but she had questions about this place. Why were the crops failing when Marcus II had a very temperate climate? The crops failed while the forest and grasslands seemed to flourish. The other question was why did the humans here seem to have so much denser musculature than humans on Terra? The difference in gravity and daily physical activity could explain only so much. Why was only one in every five children born here male? There were so many questions but now she had the whole rest of her life to find those answers. She would gladly do that if she could spend it with Jaaza.
“Hey you” A voice called. It was Jaaza, she had arrived early and Steph was nowhere near ready. “Come on in Honey, I’m not quite ready. Could you give me a few minutes?” Steph called out. Jaaza stood in the doorway. “Sure, not a problem, take your time. We have all day.” Jaaza was smiling. Steph forced herself to slow down and get dressed for this “date” properly. She wasn’t one to savor things but she wanted to learn how for some reason. Anticipation in this case was sweet torture.
Now fully dressed, hair coiffed just so, Steph stepped out into the living room. Jaaza turned at the sound of her footsteps. “I hope you’re hungry. I’ve asked Cook to make us a special breakfast.” Jaaza warned. “I want to say I’m too nervous to eat but strangely I’m not. I woke up famished and I’m ready when you are.” Steph smiled at Jaaza. Jaaza held out her hand and Steph took it.
The family had made themselves scarce, wanting to give the new couple some privacy. It was a lovely gesture. They walked hand in hand across the compound to the cookhouse where Cook had already laid out a scrumptious looking meal. The couple stood taking it all in. The coffee was an exotic and delicious blend Steph hadn’t tasted before. They had eggs and some sort of cured meat that Steph knew was a delicacy since animals were not generally used for human consumption. Nearby in a bowl there was fruit that even Jaaza had only had on a couple of rare occasions. Their stomachs full they made sure to thank Cook for preparing everything so perfectly.
Jaaza took Steph’s hand once more and lead her to a shay. She steadied her while Steph climbed aboard then climbed into the drivers’ seat. She made sure Steph was comfortable, released the brake and made a clicking sound to stir the horses into movement. With a little snap of the reins they started moving forward at a leisurely pace. The shay had been fitted with a partial cover to protect them from the suns hot rays. Steph took hold of Jaaza’s elbow. “This is beautiful! You make me feel so special I don’t want you to ever stop.” Steph said looking at Jaaza for a long time until Jaaza looked back at her. “I thought a ride in the country to one of my favorite places would be just the thing.” Jaaza said.
The journey had a slow but steady incline, when they could see across the open expanse Jaaza stopped. They descended the shay to take in the view of the open grasslands. It was flat with a thigh high mixture of dry brown grasses and wildflowers, seemingly every color was represented. They sat down on a fallen log. The air was fresh with the slightest hint of those wildflowers detected on the light breeze. Jaaza looked sideways at Steph who usually had her hair pulled back in a ponytail when she was working but today was now left loose to gently blow on the breeze. On the left beyond they could see a man-made structure. “What is that place?” Steph inquired. “It’s the temple of Aphrodite. I’m sure I told you about it. The first settlers found a hot mineral spring up on the side of the mountain. It was jokingly called The Temple of Aphrodite because the settlers would bring their partners up there and more than a few children were conceived there. Today we use it as a resort and relaxation facility.” Jaaza explained. Steph grinned. “Ooh that sounds heavenly. I hope that’s where we’re going.” Steph responded enthusiastically. “It is and I know you’ll love it.” Jaaza promised.
Looking straight and to the right of the mountain range in the distance Steph spotted a thin trail of smoke. “What is that?” She a
sked. Jaaza squinted. “That is a small, well I don’t know what to call it really. It’s too small to be called a town or village or even a settlement. There are a few homesteads at the junction where the river meets the sea. Many years ago a number of families who wanted to study the lake and wildlife went up there and set up camp. Eventually more permanent shelters were erected. They grow their own food and have a few animals. A couple times a year they come down to Arklow to get supplies. Some of their children have made their way down and live there now. They still fall under the jurisdiction of Arklow and Romi keeps an eye on them. If there are any problems there a signal fire would be lit, it would be seen at The Temple. The Bhiksu at the Temple would warn us.” Jaaza said.
Steph was watching Jaaza as she spoke. “That must be where Kaley is from? What is that fire there then?” Steph asked. “That isn’t a signal fire, that’s just their central fire pit.” Jaaza countered. “So why wasn’t I taken there to take samples? Have their crops failed as well?” Steph inquired. Jaaza shook her head. “No they live off the indigenous fruit and plant life. They have the most comprehensive knowledge of the plant life and their uses. Dried specimens that are not readily available here are traded for supplies in town. It works out for all of us. Spices and medicinal plants are expertly preserved to ensure their potency. It’s quite the process.” Jaaza explained.
Steph wondered what kind of people lived in that waterfront community. There seemed to be some interesting genetic mutations occurring there. “Would you take me there some time? I would love to see the lake and meet the people.” Steph asked looking at Jaaza hopefully. Jaaza seemed uncomfortable, shifting position several times before answering. “I’ve never been there myself. Maybe someday we can visit.” Jaaza said noncommittally. Steph felt Jaaza was avoiding saying something but she chose to ignore it… for now. “Jaaza, this place is breathtaking… like you. Thank you for bringing me here.” Steph smiled her most winning smile. They sat for a while in companionable silence before Steph spoke. “Jaaza, I love you. I’ve known since our first tour of Cambridge Landing.” She looked over at Jaaza who was smiling. Before Jaaza could respond she continued. “My Mother told me once not to declare your feelings for someone just before, during or immediately after making love. It should be made sincerely from the heart and head not the hoo hoo.” Jaaza gave a slight chuckle. Steph looked at her surprised at the sound. She hadn’t expected that response. Jaaza realized that she might have hurt Steph’s feelings so she jumped in quickly. “I’m not laughing at you honestly. I’ve felt the same about you from day one. I just didn’t know what to do with those feeling. I think your mother was a wise woman. It makes perfect sense even if she used questionable terminology for female anatomy.” Jaaza concluded. This time they both chuckled. “That was a lovely way to tell me, I’m so pleased. I want you to stay here with me on Marcus II. You don’t have to say anything now. Take some time to think about it.” Jaaza winked at Steph who nodded her agreement. They kissed and Steph expertly explored Jaaza’s mouth as Jaaza moaned with pleasure. When they could eventually pry themselves apart they climbed back into the shay and continued to their journey to The Temple.
The Temple was surprisingly large and was probably the largest building she’d seen on Marcus II. It was made of their favorite building material cob… almost in the shape of an octagon. The frame was built of large timbers, the roof of small trees and saplings. The walls were a foot thick and made of thick mud, clay and straw. The outer walls were smoothed similar to adobe back on Terra and could be repaired as needed, usually a couple times a year.
The interior was vast, to the right was a makeshift shower to wash the dust and sweat off before entering the mineral baths. Attendants called Bhiksu handed out towels and refreshments. Travelling around the inside of the rounded wall there was the bath, massage area, some rooms for privacy and some common space. There was a kitchenette where snack food was spread out, a larger room for meditation or praying or whatever your predilection might be. On the far side were rooms where the Bhiksu had their living quarters as well as a few bedrooms for guests. It wasn’t unheard of for people to stay a couple nights to just relax and rejuvenate. The center of the building was on a slightly lower level with built in benches, lounge chairs and an open area for mingling. Above in the center of the building the roof had been left open to reveal the sky, sun and clouds, or moons at night. The air was allowed to circulate and even a few saplings had taken root in the shelter giving the whole sanctuary a cozy atmosphere.
Jaaza and Steph stripped their clothes and stepped into the shower. They didn’t linger as the water was cold but it made the plunge into the hot mineral spring that much more welcoming. The shower was both functional and symbolic. One could get clean so as not to contaminate the spring but also to symbolically wash away the cares and concerns of the outside world. They both gave an audible sigh of pleasure almost seeming to melt as they slipped beneath the steaming liquid. “I can’t tell you how incredible this feels, it’s almost better than sex.” Steph murmured. Jaaza smiled and nodded in complete agreement. They stayed exactly where they were for as long as was polite. Other colonists had come in, taken showers and were patiently awaiting their turn. They finally decided to get out and stood, a Bhiksu extended a hand to steady their ascent from the healing water. Towels and robes were provided as well as sandals. They walked around the inside wall passing the alcoves. “What are those for?” Steph asked. “I’ll show you later, what we’re looking for now is this way.” Jaaza motioned to a table nearby set out with drinks and snacks. They were handed mugs of Ajja wine. When Jaaza explained to the Bhiksu that this was Steph’s first visit to the Temple they treated her to the best delicacies available. They stepped down the two steps to the center of the lounging area and took up occupancy in two chaises. They sat back and relaxed sipping their wine and people watched.
When their drinks were finished Jaaza asked Steph if she would like a massage, pointing to the two open tables that could be seen across the room. Steph nodded enthusiastically. They went to the room and were guided to massage tables that were covered with fresh linens and towels and let the Bhiksu do their magic. By the time they were done the duo felt like they had no bones left in their bodies. They felt as soft and pliable as jellyfish. The huge grin on Steph’s face was mirrored by the one on Jaazas’. They exited the massage room and Jaaza took Steph’s hand walking around past the showers and behind a curtain to one of the small rooms Steph had asked about earlier.
There were soft cushioned chairs and footstools and a small table with towels and blankets. “Come sit with me.” Jaaza pointed to one of the chairs. Steph went to sit but Jaaza made her wait while she sat down first and bid Steph to sit in front of her between her legs. Steph took a deep ragged breath and did as she was asked. Jaaza pulled her in as close as she could so Steph’s behind was tight against her pelvis. She reached over and took a blanket off the table and spread it across Steph’s lap.
Steph was trying to take deep relaxing breaths to no avail. This was just way too erotic. Jaaza opened Steph’s robe and slipped her hand inside. She started to caress Steph’s belly eventually making her way up to her breasts. Steph was so excited she thought she was going to faint. She had waited so long to feel Jaaza’s hands on her. Jaaza kneaded and massaged her breasts, ever so gently squeezing her nipples. All the while Jaaza’s face was buried against her neck, kissing and nibbling her earlobe. Jaaza’s right hand migrated south while the other cradled Steph’s breast. She ran her hand along Steph’s thigh teasing her mound as it circled around along her belly eventually returning to her thigh. Steph’s breathing became short, her mouth dry and her head spinning. “Jaaza?” She said softly. This was the most exquisite torture she had ever experienced. “Yes my sweet, its ok we have complete privacy here.” Jaaza said reassuringly. By the time Jaaza made her way to the curl shrouded abundantly wet lips Steph was squirming with anticipation and arousal. Steph’s hand went to the hand that was cradling her bre
ast and squeezed, she swallowed trying to stay in control. Jaaza whispered in her ear. “I want to help relieve some of your stress and then I want to spend the rest of the day and night making love to you.” Jaaza whispered. Steph gasped as Jaaza’s fingers slid between her lips keeping away from direct contact with her clit and center. Steph was too excited to withstand much more teasing. She pushed Jaaza’s fingers firmly against her clit. “Please Jaaza I need you now.” Steph said breathlessly. Jaaza closed her eyes as her own heart did flip flops. She obeyed and caressed the length of Stephs’ inner lips finally coming to her entrance. Steph was so moist and slippery her fingers slid inside almost of their own accord. Jaaza could feel Steph’s vaginal walls contract around her. Steph put her head back against Jaaza’s shoulder trying to catch her breath. Jaaza repositioned herself and Steph to allow for better access. She began moving in and out with a slow steady rhythm venturing a little deeper each time. The moisture so thick and slippery she almost came herself at the sensation. Steph arched her back and rolled her hips to meet Jaaza. She couldn’t hold back the flood any longer and quicker than she wanted to she found herself shuddering through the most incredible orgasm. Jaaza held her while she came and continued to hold her tightly afterward. Steph tried to catch her breath, her hand going to her head. She felt like all the blood had left her extremities.