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The Secret - Book One of the Marcus II Series Page 13
The Secret - Book One of the Marcus II Series Read online
Page 13
Chapter Eleven
Kaley and Rachael were at their house in the city. They had met when Aunt Catherine or Aunt Kitty as the younger people called her sent Rachael to Dori’s Cove to do an assessment of the community. The northern most community fell under the Arklow umbrella because it really didn’t have what it would take to function on its own. It didn’t have an irrigation system or enough people to work or sustain large fields. It didn’t even have a doctor, yet. That was one of the things that Rachael wanted to talk to Catherine about. For that community to grow and flourish it needed basic necessities.
The first thing Rachael noticed was there were no Murrays in Dori’s Cove. She had never been anywhere she hadn’t been overrun with cousins and family. It was strange but exciting. When she saw Kaley and her family she was enthralled. They were beautiful and exotic and once they got to know her a little they were extremely friendly. Rachael had never seen anyone with platinum hair, milky white skin and violet eyes. She couldn’t take her eyes off Kaley, she was definitely smitten.
They sat on the porch swing holding hands and gently swinging. They’d been together for several years now but Rachael still felt like the luckiest person in the world to be the one Kaley loved. Rachael travelled between Cambridge Landing, Arklow and Dori’s cove, as well as many of the scattered homesteads. Her job was to oversee, to find out the communities needs and bring back any concerns to the Queen. Kaley often travelled with her and that sort of life suited Kaley. She was more nomadic by nature but to tell you the truth wherever Rachael was is where she wanted to be. They were friends, lovers, partners and soul mates.
Travelling to Dori’s cove regularly allowed Kaley to keep in close contact with her family. Her family clan was important to her, she never wanted to be away too long. Being with Rachael made all that possible, she could travel all she wanted and still see her family. Plus she had the ear of one of Catherine’s most trusted advisors, Rachael. As they sat enjoying the peace and quiet and listening to the Oban bugs chirping their tune Rachael couldn’t imagine a more peaceful place. She was totally content. “Kaley, you remember the scientist Sara, the one we took out to your tree house?” Rachael asked. “I remember her. She was nice and friendly but her questions were a little disconcerting. I have to tell you they made me a little uncomfortable.” Kaley answered lazily. Rachael squeezed her hand and looked at her reassuringly before continuing. “My cousin Romi and Sara have begun seeing each other. Sara and Steph the team leader are going to stay when the rest of the team returns to Terra.” Rachael said. Kaley took a deep breath, she didn’t object to people coming to Marcus II or them staying as long as they abided by the communities rules. However she knew her heritage would eventually come into question and that was not something she was looking forward to.
Kaley knew Rachael had something important to tell her. “Just tell me Rach.” She said. Rachael sighed and jumped right in. “Kaley, Sara has been asking family members to give samples of DNA for analysis and Romi has agreed. You realize at some point she’ll come here asking you to do so as well.” Rachael said apologetically. Kaley nodded. “If she has some of the other villagers DNA she doesn’t need mine. We all have similar DNA.” Kaley said with conviction. Rachael leaned back. “Yes but you and I know that your looks are unique… and damn sexy. She will not rest until she has your DNA. It’s what scientists do.” Kaley looked at Rachael. “I know but at this point I’m not willing to do that. I don’t want to be an oddity or freak. Cambridge Landing has accepted me, even more so than my community.” Kaley said. Rachael smiled. “Oh baby, many people in Cambridge Landing would do almost anything to have such an exotic looking girlfriend. I’m one lucky Murray.” Rachael smiled again and winked before continuing. “I won’t allow anyone to do anything to you or anything against your will and neither will Aunt Kitty. I give you my word.” She said emphatically. “I know that but I don’t want anyone knowing I’m a Drummond. Usually children carry their mothers’ surname on Marcus II. I do as well but there is no hiding the fact that I’m a direct descendent of Conrad. Once they start poking around my DNA everyone will know. It’s so embarrassing. I won’t be able to show my face around town. I’d rather go live with my Aunt Loki on the old homestead.” Kaley said.
Rachael knew Kaley probably didn’t mean any of that. It would be humiliating but they would get through it together. Kaley just didn’t like conflict. She wanted to be judged on her own merits and actions and not anything else. “Kaley you are loved here with me. Our friends trust and respect you. We’ll get through this whether you take the test or not. If the worst happens I will get Aunt Kitty to post me in Dori’s Cove permanently.” Rachael said. Kaley realized she was getting bent out of shape unnecessarily. “I’m sorry honey. I love you so much. I love our life together, nothing else matters.” Kaley said with conviction. Rachael pulled Kaley in for a hug. “We’ll live right here in our little cob house and raise our baby together.” Rachael lovingly rubbed Kaley’s abdomen. Kaley placed her hand on top of Rachaels’. They had been one of the first couples to be inseminated with donor sperm. Their baby would be Kaley’s biological child. Rachael wrapped her arms around Kaley and buried her face into her shoulder. “Let’s go to bed I want to hold you close all night.” Rachael said softly. Kaley had calmed considerably. When she looked into her lovers eyes she forgot about all the DNA nonsense. All the troubles of the world were gone and in Rachael’s eyes she could see their future.
Rachael took her hand and walked them down the hall and into their room. She took off her clothes and put them on the chair by the door. Kaley took off her clothes and climbed into bed. Rachael leaned over and kissed her passionately before she snuck in behind her and snuggled up close. She could smell Kaley’s shampoo and feel the warmth of her skin. She hoped their child would look exactly like Kaley.
Catherine and Loki were old friends. They’d known each other all their lives. When Catherine had become Queen, Loki had moved out to her families homestead northeast of Arklow. They didn’t see each other much these days since Catherine very rarely travelled. Loki had become disenchanted with living in the community, any community or settlement for that matter. But they remained and probably always would be friends.
Loki had made an exception today. She had ridden her burro Jenny down to Arklow. From there she had gathered supplies and slowly made her way down to Cambridge Landing. She was going to find out what was going on with Kaley and Catherine and those damned researchers. The journey took much longer than the one day it normally took a rider on horseback but she preferred Jenny’s sure and steady pace.
A family member had stopped by the homestead last week to deliver supplies and news. Loki didn’t even like to go to town for supplies so family members took turns making the journey. The younger folk loved making the trip. Loki was out in the middle of nowhere and she didn’t try to boss them around or give them unsolicited advice. This time her nephew delivered the supplies and news. “Hi Auntie, Momma sent you some of her delicious fruit cake.” Loki squinted up at the youth. “Thank you Sonny Thank your mother for me. Just put all that stuff in the kitchen and I’ll make you some lunch. “No thank you Auntie I’m in a bit of a rush today. There’s a celebration in Arklow and I would like to be there.” Loki repositioned her hat. “Fair enough, your girl is going to be there I imagine.” Loki inquired. “Yes ma’am I can’t wait to see her. They’re having a celebration for Romi and the others who were injured. They’ve mended nicely and they want to thank the scientists for their help. The scientist leader Stephanie will be there. I’d like to meet her. Romi’s new girlfriend will be there as well, and the scientist Sara.” Sonny said excitedly. Loki sucked her teeth. “That trouble maker. I’ve heard of her. Best thing for us is for those meddlers to go away.” Loki grumbled. “She’s been picking at some old scabs and opening old wounds.” Loki continued. “Rumor is that they’ll be staying on Marcus II Auntie. Ok well, I’ll see you in a couple weeks with some more supplies.” Sonny said ignoring
his Aunt’s caustic remark. That was the last thing Loki wanted to hear. She was going to have to set that woman straight herself. The Murrays seem to have let her into their homes and into their family. She would have to have a very serious talk with Catherine.
So that was where Loki was going now, to talk to her old friend Catherine and straighten her out. The town of Cambridge Landing came into view. Loki hadn’t been there in many years and it had changed considerably. Loki sucked air in through her teeth, she hated the city. It had too many people, too close together. It definitely was not her cup of tea. As she came down the main street and close to the city center people stopped to look at her. Most of the younger residents didn’t even know her. The older ones knew her as a grumpy old cuss. Loki didn’t care what anyone thought of her. All she wanted to do was see her niece Kaley and have that chat with Cat.
Catherine was sitting on her porch sipping a mug of herbal tea when she spied the comical image of her old friend Loki on Jenny. She loved her old friend and missed her very much. She tried several times to get her to move to Cambridge Landing or at least close by. Loki wanted nothing to do with the idea and said so in no uncertain terms. “Cat.” Loki greeted in her usual clipped manner. Catherine stepped down and ran to her old friend scooping her into a warm hug. Loki patted her once and then tried to pry herself free. Catherine held tight making sure her friend received a proper hug. “Loki I’m so glad to see you. I’ve missed you so much.” Catherine had a huge smile on her face. “This is reason to celebrate. It’s not every day my best friend comes to town.” Catherine motioned for the grandchildren to go play somewhere so they could catch up. The children ran off toward the town center. “You know I hate a fuss. Can I get something to drink I’m parched?” Loki said gruffly. Catherine smiled. “Sure thing, come right up here and I’ll pour you some sweet tea.” Catherine motioned to the shaded porch.
Something was amiss. She couldn’t remember the last time Loki came to Cambridge Landing. She motioned for Loki to sit in her chair, the most comfortable one in the entire house. Catherine poured them fresh cups of tea and set some cookies on a plate. She sat herself on the loveseat and got comfortable with her feet tucked up under herself before she started talking. “So Loki what’s new? How is everything at the old homestead?” Catherine tried to break the ice. “Cat let’s just cut the crap shall we. What the hell were you thinking bringing those people here? Not just that but giving them the keys to the kingdom. I’m seriously wondering if your mother dropped you on your head too many times as a baby.” Loki grumbled. Catherine couldn’t help but laugh. Loki was the only person who could or would talk to her like that and she found it refreshing. But she wanted to let her stew a little while longer; it was the game they often played with each other. “It’s so nice to see you. Me? I’m fine thank you for asking. You’re looking well.” Catherine said with a grin. Loki scowled at her and sighed. She too was familiar with Catherine’s stall tactics. After a few more sips of her tea Catherine continued. “So Loki what exactly is your problem today?” With another long sigh to center herself Loki finally answered. “Don’t play games with me or we’re going to have a big problem. I’ve heard your family members are involved with these scientists and they’re causing trouble for my Kaley.” She said scientists like it was something distasteful. Catherine frowned. “What is wrong with Kaley?” Cat said concerned. “Those scientists are digging into things I thought we laid to rest thirty years ago. Now they want to get DNA from Kaley? You know damn well that is going to upset her. I won’t allow anyone to upset her not even you.” Loki proclaimed. Catherine placed her teacup down. “How on Marcus did you hear about that? It is true Sara has asked a few people to voluntarily donate their DNA for analysis but it is not a requirement. Secondly I just heard Kaley is pregnant. Do you really think I would allow anyone to hurt our girl?” Cat said emphatically. Loki looked away pursing her lips tightly. She trusted Catherine with her family, her life and her secrets. “Kaley and Rachael are going to have a child? All the more reason I won’t have them upset. All this talk about DNA is really getting on my tits. What is this Sara’s deal? Maybe I should have a talk with her.” Loki suggested. Catherine knew Loki’s idea of a talk was to do anything she could do to get her own way including yelling, bullying and threatening.
“Loki… Sara and my niece are together, she’s family now. Also what you might not know is that Jaaza has taken Steph as her girlfriend. Steph and Sara are best friends, more like sisters really. Both have given their word that they will not cause any trouble and I believe them. I take them at their word. Rachael is my niece as well so she and Kaley and now their child are part of that family too. We’ll find a way to create harmony for all our family members. That includes you Loki. I want you to stay here with me as long as you like. Kaley will need to have you here while she is pregnant and for a while after the baby is born. I’m sure she would love to have her family here with her.” Cat suggested. Loki made a face. For her to live in the city was out of the question. She didn’t just dislike city living, she detested it. She also knew that she would dearly like to help out with Kaley and the baby. “I think I’ll take you up on that offer for a while. If only to have the opportunity to meet these scientists for myself.” Loki grumbled. Catherine smiled at her friend. “Their names are Dr. Sara Keeting and Dr. Stephanie Diamond. You can meet Steph at dinner. In the meantime let’s walk over to Rachael and Kaley’s house. It’s just down the street.” Catherine suggested.
The two old friends walked down the street and found Kaley kneeling in her front yard weeding her flower bed. When she saw Loki she sprang up and launched herself into Loki’s arms. Catherine wasn’t surprised when Loki returned a long warm hug with Kaley. Loki loved that girl like no one else. “Auntie, what are you doing here?” She exclaimed. Loki shared a look with Catherine. “Catherine sent for me. I’m going to take care of you when you get too big to tie your own shoes. After the baby comes and you are exhausted from being up all night I’ll take care of the little babe while you rest.” She said. “Oh Auntie, but you hate the city.” Kaley said her forehead wrinkled. “No more arguments Kaley. Besides it would make an old woman feel useful.” Loki managed a smile. Kaley smiled back. “I would like that very much.” For all Loki’s tough act she was pleased to be able to be there for Kaley. “Let’s find Rachael and give her the good news.” Loki said taking Kaley’s arm. The two started to walk away and Catherine called out to their backs. “I’ll see you back at the house Loki.” Loki turned back and said. “I’ll be there. We still have some things to talk about. About those promises you just made me a short time ago and… the ones you made a long time ago.” She gave Catherine a long stare and then put her arm through Kaley’s elbow and walked toward the center of town. “Cat would you mind getting someone to feed and water Jenny for me and take her over to the stable before she cooks out there in the sun?” Loki hollered over her shoulder. Catherine smiled and turned for home. ~