The Secret - Book One of the Marcus II Series Read online

Page 14

  At breakfast Jaaza was sitting with her mother at her table when Steph came over. She smiled and nodded a greeting at Catherine. Jaaza stood and moved over on the bench to make room for her. Steph gave Jaaza a kiss on the lips. “Am I late?” Steph asked. “No no you’re just in time. I’ll get you a plate.” Instantly Cook was there at her elbow with a plate that had a little bit of everything on the menu. “Welcome back Doctor. Jaaza it’s good to see you too.” Cook said. They smiled appreciatively. “That reminds me Steph. I got you something yesterday afternoon.” Jaaza said innocently. She placed a large object wrapped in a rough woven material in the center of the table. “I hope you like it.” Steph gently pulled the material and it gave way easily. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. It was the carving she had so admired the very first day she had toured the town. That was the first day she realized she was attracted to Jaaza. “I thought this statue wasn’t for sale? The woodworker looked very insulted at the very notion. How did you get it?” Steph said gleefully. “I made a trade. I hope you don’t mind. Apparently he really likes fishing. I traded Joshua one of the fishing rods and tackle box for this gorgeous statue. I hope you like it?” Jaaza inquired again. “I love it, it’s the most beautiful and sensual carving I’ve ever seen. The craftsmanship is exquisite. I’ve loved it from the moment I first saw it. Thank you.” She leaned over and gave Jaaza a moist kiss on the lips. Jaaza was smiling from ear to ear, very pleased with herself. “Does this mean we’re engaged?” Steph said jokingly. “It means I love you. I was hoping we could use it as the center piece of our new home.” Jaaza said. Steph caressed the beautiful female figure she just couldn’t help herself.

  Viva broke the ice, smiling as she looked at Steph and in a mock serious manner asked. “On that note Jaaza. I understand congratulations are in order?” Viva said. Steph smiled broadly playing along. Stepping in she said. “Yes ma’am, I love your sister and we’re hoping to have a long life together.” Steph said. Viva narrowed her eyes. “I need you to reassure me you’ll take very good care of my favorite sister. You have to promise to do everything in your power to make her happy.” Viva said playfully. “Viva!” Jaaza warned. “I promise I’ll do my very best.” Steph said looking over at Jaaza smiling. “That reminds me Mother. I would like to talk to you about building on that land you set aside for me. I would like to build a house. Steph and I want to start living together somewhere other than a house that has a dozen other occupants. We need a home.” Jaaza said. Catherine looked very pleased in spite of herself. “I think we can work something out.”

  Vincent was also at the table. He had congratulated his baby sister earlier. She had made him promise to behave but he couldn’t resist. “Jaaza tells me you’ll be the one carrying her children and you can’t wait to get started.” He said to Steph. Steph had just taken a drink of spring water and almost sent it spraying across the table. She started to cough, her face going pitch red. Everyone started to laugh. Jaaza actually got quite angry. She put her hand on Steph’s hand. “Vincent you are such an ass!” Viva scolded. She reached over and punched him hard in the shoulder. “Ouch.” He yelped. Catherine looked down the table at Vincent and stated in a calm voice. “Vincent I want to talk to you right after breakfast.” Cat said looking displeased. Jaaza was mortified and on the verge of tears. “I’m so sorry Steph. I have never said anything of the kind.” Jaaza said. Steph had regained her composure. She removed her hand from under Jaaza’s and placed hers on top squeezing it reassuringly. “It’s quite alright. I was just a little surprised. Vincent I’ll take that as your way of saying you approve of Jaaza’s choice of a partner.” She said calmly. Catherine then interjected. “Welcome to the family Stephanie, if there is ever anything I can do for you just let me know. We’re all family now.” ~


  The scientist looked at his reflection in the metal surface. He had dark circles under his eyes, his hair standing on end in places. Some of the storage units had failed and all the specimens had been destroyed. He knew this was a terribly disastrous event. The People needed those samples. He would have to think of something fast to make sure the colony survived. Maybe if he spliced some of the other specimens he had gathered together with the remaining samples there might be enough genetic material to ensure the continuation of the colony. They were on their own. He couldn’t possibly call for help. The last thing he wanted to do was look like a failure in front of his colleagues and especially Moira. He already knew from his experimentation that the two species had enough similarities that some splicing would be possible. He thought for a moment, if he used the Pendek specimens he would be able to make the remaining samples double or triple and that just might work. He would have to proceed without anyone knowing however. The other added advantage was that the offspring would be better adapted to this planet. He also knew that he could have an almost endless supply from the other species native to this planet. It was the only solution.

  He went over to his workstation and began his preparations. This would be his most inspired work. People would call him a hero. They would talk about him for centuries and make him King. They would raise him up on their shoulders and chant his name. He would create life the way he wanted it to be, he would be god. He was the god of Marcus II.

  In truth he had gone mad but he didn’t know it yet, he was that far gone. Somewhere along the line he had abandoned his principles. He was using animals for his own use in the lab. It was nothing short of torture. One evening when he was performing a particularly invasive procedure on the Pendek the normally docile animal went berserk. It lashed out and tore at the scientist acting completely on survival instinct. It did anything it could to stop the torture. It bit, scratched and fought with all its considerable strength. It mindlessly threw itself at the walls, shelves and cages. It too had gone from a passive friendly animal to a monstrous beast. It went after the creature that had inflicted such incredible pain and anguish upon it. The cages had toppled and finally spilling their contents. The animals were suddenly free. They screeched and howled, scratched and clawed. They tore at the human as he lay curled up in a tight ball on the floor. A chair was thrown threw a containment door and fresh air wafted in. The smell of the forest floated through the gaping hole into their nostrils and filling their lungs. It drew the animals outside, beckoning them to their freedom; more than that it held the promise of no more abuse, torment or pain. They scurried into the compound and eventually into the trees. This is where they belonged in the uppermost branches of the forest. The canopy was their home, as far away from the man as they could get. Their time of suffering was finally over.

  The man wanted the creatures to return so he could complete his dream. They must return to him so he could become god. He would follow them and bring them back no matter how long it took. He needed them, they were his creatures. ~

  Jaaza awoke with a start. All the talk about the Pendek and the Kubu and DNA tests had caused a terrible nightmare. She sat straight up in bed, sweat rolling down her temples, down the sides of her face and onto her shoulders. Was it really that hot in the bedroom? It was a particularly warm summer night with hardly any breeze. Her skin was over heated but she was shivering uncontrollably. Steph woke up and placed her hand on Jaaza’s thigh. “Is everything alright honey?” She asked. Jaaza swiped her hand across her face to dry it. “Just a bad dream” Jaaza said still breathing like she’d just run a foot race. Steph wondered what on Marcus she could be dreaming that would cause such a reaction. She could feel Jaaza trembling and it worried her. She sat up and wrapped her arms around Jaaza’s shoulders. She held her like that for several minutes.

  She took Jaaza by the hand and guided her to the bathroom and then back to bed. Steph arranged her pillows and untangled the blankets. She helped put a dry nightie on Jaaza and put her back into bed. Steph climbed in behind her as a physical reminder that this was reality not the dream. “Everything is ok. I’m here now and I’m not going anywhere.” She buried her face in Jaaza’
s neck and whispered in her ear. “I love you Jaaza, more than anything. This is where I was meant to be. I came here to find my soul mate and I found her.” Steph said. Jaaza held Steph’s hand tightly against her chest. She leaned her head down and kissed Steph’s knuckles with her eyes closed. That had been the most disconcerting dream she had ever had. She was going to have a very serious talk with her mother about a few things in the morning. “I love you too Steph. I was such a fool to have treated you so badly in the beginning. I’m so sorry and I’m glad you hung in there with me. I knew I loved you from the start but I was such a coward. It took practically my whole family kicking me in the ass to wake me up.” Jaaza said scolding herself. Steph took a deep breath. “We got through it. I think we both were a little afraid of our feelings but it all worked out in the end. Let’s get some sleep. I want to check out that land on the hill by the river tomorrow.” They snuggled down into the pillow with their arms wrapped around each other and fell into a contented dreamless sleep. ~

  Preview Book Two

  The Creature – Book Two of the Marcus II Series

  By: BJ Somerville

  Chapter One

  The creature spent most of its life in the canopy. It lived a most solitary life. Lately she was drawn to the settlement. She knew it was dangerous, not because the people had been mean to her in any way, she just knew. All her life she had lived on the periphery of humanity. She was like them but not like them. She couldn’t quite explain what was different but somehow she knew from a place deep within herself. Someone had called her Eno once when she was a child and that is now what she called herself. There was no one else to call her that.

  Tonight the one they called Kaley was in her tree house with the other one. Eno liked Kaley. She was kind to the Pendek and the Kubu. The Pendek and Kubu were her friends. They were the only things that made Eno’s solitary life bearable. She could sleep in the trees alongside her friends but she wanted more, she needed more. Tonight she wished she could go inside the tree house. She had been inside the tree house before but not when The People were there. She sat close enough to hear what they were saying. She had learned their language from listening to them talk a long time ago. She must be very careful not to be found out but oh how she wished she could join them. A single tear rolled down Eno’s cheek.

  Eno watched The People talking. At night she could get close enough to see and hear everything in the tree house. The one called Kaley came out onto the porch of the house and snuggled down into a hammock and went to sleep. Eno was so curious she couldn’t resist getting a little closer. She snuck over wanting to see the human up close; she wanted to be close to her. Eno took almost an hour just to move the few yards to the hammock for fear of alerting the human. If she was quiet, and she knew she could be extremely quiet, if she was quiet enough she would almost be able to sit beside Kaley without being noticed.

  The lights inside the house had been extinguished a long time ago but Eno could see almost as well as she did during the daylight. As she approached Kaley she could smell a mixture of Littlewood and other ingredients. She knew each one even though they were in such minute quantities. Her sense of smell was very acute. She also could smell Kaley under the flowery fragrance. She had her own unique scent, human but not human. Eno moved close enough to smell the fruit she had eaten for dinner on her breath. She sat there tilting her head to one side, she knew this human was different. Perhaps this human could be a friend. Kaley and her mate fed the Pendek and Kubu but more than that the Pendek accepted her as one of them. That wasn’t quite right. They trusted her as much as they did Eno.

  Eno took a quick peek into the house to make sure Kaley’s mate was asleep. Her breathing was shallow and regular. Eno turned her attention back to Kaley. She reached out her hand and touched her white hair. It was as soft as a Curry Mouse. Eno’s hand reached to touch Kaley’s face but she stopped. If she woke the human she would be found out and that could be a very bad thing, a very bad thing indeed. She wished she could curl up beside Kaley and feel the warmth of another being close to her. She imagined it would feel wonderful. Way in the back of her mind Eno could remember being with others like her. At least she thought they were like her but she was so young. It wasn’t until later that she realized she wasn’t like most. She was not like Kaley, not really and she was not like the humans. She did remember the old woman but that was a very long time ago and very far away from here.

  The human stirred and Eno jumped back trying to hide amongst the foliage. She lost her footing and almost fell. Her heart raced and she couldn’t tell if it was from the close proximity to the human or from being startled. Being close to Kaley had felt good. She had been a member of a litter or was it a pack, once. No it is called a family she thought. She had been a member of a family once but she had been so young and it was hard to remember the details now.

  Finally Eno went over to a nearby crook in a tree and wedged herself in as she sometimes did when she was away from her nest. She would hug the tree while sitting on a branch. She had done it many times and felt perfectly safe. She had never been afraid of the forest, only of the Humans. She wasn’t even sure why, maybe someone had told her to be afraid of them. She couldn’t remember.

  Kaley awoke before dawn as usual. She opened her eyes and just looked out over the treetops. Her tree house was almost at the top of the canopy of the forest. It was as close to living in a tree as any human had ever come. This planet had been meant to be an experiment to see if humans could survive on a remote planet without interference using only their intellect to help them survive. Some of the most prominent scientists of their age had made the journey. The colony would be a utopia of sorts. The scientists would not allow the exploitation of the planet in any way. The resources would not be torn from the ground as on some mining planets and shipped back to Terra. Terra had run out of natural resources long ago. In fact Terra had almost become a wasteland of its own. The trees, animals and even The People here on Marcus II were safe. The only drawback was that they were out on the very outskirts of the known universe. That was a good thing because for well over a century Marcus II had been left alone. The disadvantage was that when the genetic material brought from Terra to help create a diverse and sustainable gene pool for the future was destroyed they had little options.

  Kaley was as unique a human being as the rest of her family. She was from a group that resided in the northern most community of Dori’s Cove. She was a gorgeous woman, tall and athletic and slender. Kaley’s porcelain skin and white hair was accentuated by her violet eyes. That is what intrigued the scientists of Terra when they arrived. They knew these were not features common to humans on Terra. The other part that made her unique was the fact that she had so much trouble living indoors and especially in the city. She did however because she loved Rachael and Rachael was a member of the “Royal” family. The fact that it was Rachael’s job to travel to different towns and outlying homesteads to coordinate with their leaders made it easier for Kaley. They spent a significant amount of time on the road or camped out.

  When Kaley and Rachael had free time they always went to where Kaley felt most comfortable, in the forest canopy. She had a particular affinity for the forest and the local primate species; the Kubu as well as their cousins the Pendek. She could sit out on the feeding platform and they would come right up to her just like Dian Fossey or Jane Goodall and they would touch her and take food from her hands.

  When Kaley opened her eyes she thought she saw something very strange. Well not so much strange as surprising. She thought she saw a humanoid figure sleeping in a tree close to her. She blinked to clear the film that had accumulated over her eyes during her slumber and reopened her eyes once more to find the being had disappeared.

  Kaley blinked a few more times. She was sure she had seen something. Rachael came out onto the balcony stretching. Rach leaned over her lover and kissed her on the cheek. “Good morning honey, did you sleep well?” Rachael asked. Kaley sat up. “Rach I saw
her, I’m not crazy!” Kaley exclaimed. Rachael frowned. “What? Of course you’re not crazy sweetheart. Who are we talking about?” Rachael said on her way back into the tree house. “The creature I was telling you about yesterday. I woke up and saw her sleeping in the crook of that tree over there.” She said pointing to a nearby tree. Rachael looked out the window in the direction Kaley was pointing. “Well what did it look like?” Rachael came out carrying two steaming mugs of herbal tea. “She looked humanoid. She definitely wasn’t a Pendek or Kubu.” Kaley went to the edge of the balcony closest to where the creature had disappeared into the trees. “It’s ok my friend, we won’t hurt you I promise.” Kaley called into the treetops. She came back to the bench under the kitchen window where Rachael sat. Kaley took the offered tea and took a sip.

  Kaley enjoyed having her tea with Rachael in relative peace and quiet before the activities of the day commenced. Rachael placed her hand on Kaley’s thigh and gave it a squeeze. “Do you think it’s such a good idea to be sleeping in a hammock on a balcony a hundred feet off the ground when you’re pregnant? I don’t want to put you or our child in any kind of danger.” Rachael looked at Kaley as she said this. “Everything is fine Rach. I’m at home up here so much more than I am in the city. I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize our child. I want her to grow up here. She’ll be part of me and will love the trees as much as I do.” Kaley reassured. Rachael smiled at her. “I know honey, I love you so much and I want you to pass on that passion to our daughter.” They held hands, twining their fingers together.